Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Oh no half, no offence taken. I bought it to help a guy out, I'll probably run it in the spring, but I'm not sure. My training is usually pretty good, I'm just suffering from post cycle test crash, and my daughters been sick and I've just been feeling run down, so it's been hit and miss lately. On cycle I'm all business. As you may know, I love me some nandrolone, do they play well together? I mean they're both 19-nor's so are the combined sides bad? What ever I do, it will probably be a low dose of tren just to mitigate the tren sides. Maybe I'll hate it and send it to you for your birthday.
Good deal, I just would hate to see you have a bad experience on what I feel is one of the best compounds available to us in this day and age. I understand the PCT blues (well, kind of) and it's always rough with a sick kiddo. :( Yes, you can run deca and tren together, but have to be sure to increase the dopamine agonist accordingly as well as pay DOUBLE attention to your E2. I think that 90% of the folks that have a bad time on tren do so because they don't manage their E2, which is why low test/high tren is so popular. The other 10% being folks that truly cannot handle the sides or have a reaction.

Then again, I'll always welcome free trenbolone. ;)
Yeah, I wasn't surprised with the placings at all. I believe he got 8th. Not horrible for his first Olympia.
It's all about that money now a days. :(
I want in-n-out

Does anyone know anything about dual booting apple os on a pc?
I know you're going to have fun getting it to work right. Apple OS is intended for specific hardware profiles, which your PC probably doesn't match. There are workarounds for it, but I don't remember many as I never had any interest in Apple's craptastic software. You can check and see what they have on it.
My wife is publishing an ebook and wants to get it in the istore, but the software to compile and upload it only runs on mac. I'm trying not to buy a mac, but I'm afraid trying to dual boot on her machine might be more trouble than it's worth. BTW, NOBODY tell my wife I spent more on gear last week than a new mac mini costs
Speaking of ebooks, I'm actually reading books on training. It's the fact that I'm reading anything that you should find impressive.
It's all about that money now a days. :(

Unfortunately that's very true. I do think Phil deserves 1st though, and I don't see anyone beating him anytime soon. The guy has an AMAZING physique. If Kai can match him from the front, he may have a real chance though. Kai's back is fuckin insane, and he's a great poser. I personally don't care for Kai though. He's on the post show interview right now and the fuy is just fuckin weird lol. Ramy may be a top contender over the next couple years.
Sounds good. I put my in-n-out order up in the ranch house for you. I'll have something to drink made by the time you get here.