That's 40x assuming you're having everything covered by insurance right now, right? Why on earth wouldn't they go over 150mg/wk? I'm hoping that's just because they want to figure out the LH/FSH issue first, ya?
These people make me want to strangle them with how incompetant they seem.
They came right out and said "our office doesn't prescribe more than 150mg/wk"
When I asked why they only said "there's no need, health complications"
There was a complete disregard for where that 150mg will actually get you.
Even if they sorted out my LH/FSH, they still won't go over 150.
I'll be able to manipulate it in such a way that I'll MAKE them go to 200/wk.
I'm just so fucking sick of this whole ordeal.
There has not been a single sign that things are going to get better.
If anything, they're going to get a LOT worse with this brain thing.
I know where I WANT to be, I know how to get the meds to do so and I also know options for getting blood work. The insurance is the only reason I'm not giving up on these idiots. The cost savings is too significant. The next time I see them I'll have the half life graphed and educate them a little.