Do you think switching gear mid cycle is a good idea?


New member
I bought gear from a different UGL to extend my cycle (test c 200mg e3d). Should I finish my gear I know is good and then start with the new UGL stuff and hope its good with post cycle therapy (pct) in hand. Or should I save the last half of the stuff I know works and start the new gear with the gear I know works as a back up. I was even thinking of getting prop as a back up but Id be in the same boat. Prop as back up because its fast acting if anything should go awry. Or this sounds crazy, (I dont even know if it would work) draw back 1ml (200mg) and give myself 10 little shots all over to get a faster result if the new gear turns out to be bunk.... LOL I really dont want to come off the gear if I dont have to. Probably a stupid question I know but I had to ask....... Seams feasible the 10 little shots pecks, delts, glutes, and 2 areas of the quads!
I realizeI its an odd question but a serious 1 none the less. Some of you guys know me well enough to know I dont just ask random bullshit questions! OK I admit 10 shots would be extreme but I really dont mind them at all. Ill do what I need to do to stay on gear for my newly planned cycle. So I really would like your input on my dilemma. All being said now Ive made myself even more curious about the last question on how how test c would act in your body being administered to multible injection sites at the same time. Not that I want to but if I felt the need to.
Bad idea to switch labs or batches mid cycle. They're probably dosed a little different at least. You might have a leap or drop in test levels.

Pinning different sites shouldn't matter as long as the gear is all the same ester. Should have the same effect.
i wouldn't recommend switching mid cycle at all... just like the info you were given, you could be getting different dosages and it could just throw your levels completely off...