Do you use fat burning pills?


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Do you use fat burning pills?
a friend of mine just started to take Hydroxy Cut Hardcore. It has made him super wired. I guess it has some caffeine in it to help speed you metabolism up. I also just got some samples in my protien order of RoxyLean, which seems to be a similar pill. my question is does anyyone else use these type of pills to help cut the fat away? I know there are a ton of them out there; Hydroxycut, Oxylean, RoxyLean, Lipo5,etc. Do you think they are good for you for a short period? I know a lot of people will just say diet and exercise but sometimes you just need it a little quicker. Thoughts?
I'd say that easily 90% of the "diet pills" are garbage aimed at the impatient populace that has found themselves carrying extra weight because they lack the discipline and motivation to exercise and diet properly. I've taken just about everything under the sun and NONE of them provided results anything NEAR those of when I focused on a proper diet. I know you want to find a magic pill that will help, but at best they are just ergogenic aids that can help with the process, not replace it.

My .02c :)
I have used diet pills because they do work. They give you energy and boost your metabolism so you burn maybe 200 more calories without doing anything. This doesn't seem like much but that's 2/5 of a pound a week and it adds up if you're cutting for a couple months. Although, if you can do without them I would since they are expensive. EC stacks are rather cheap and seem to be the best fat burner/muscle retainer out there.
Yes because they provide you with sufficient vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, which are required by the body to retain an overall good health while enhancing fat burning process.
I never used fat burning pills because this kind of pills have so many side effects so it is good to avoid these pills and follow a natural way for fat burning.
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