Doc switching things up to HCG everyday for 21 days. Maintain muscle?


New member

So my doctor will be changing up my trt: reducing cypionate a little, and increasing my HCG from 2x a week to everyday for 21 days. My question is in regards to what you other trt veterans think about altering the HCG diet a bit, and what to expect in regards to strength loss.

My thoughts are, that instead of the 500 some calorie diet, I'll double it so I can hit a better protein level. As it is now, I'll be well below minimum protein intake and I think that could be not just disheartening when it comes to my gains but unnecessary. I figure if that means losing 15 lbs instead of 20 lbs, so be it, but so long as my strength loss is kept to a minimum.

Now that I think about it, is there any success in just reducing carbs in diet while doing HCG - instead of just a broad caloric reduction? I could just drop carbs out for the next 21 days, hit the gym with higher volume lower intensity? Perhaps that will be as effective?

I'm thinking I'll at least increase the HCG diet to:

Morning: Two servings of protein = 250 calories

Lunch: 2 fillets of flounder + broccoli = 270 calories

Afternoon snack: Two serving of protein = 250 calories

Supper: 2 fillets of flounder + broccoli = 270 calories

Total calorie count: 1040

Total protein: 180g

Should have more protein really. I could add 1 more fillet for lunch and supper which will yield an addition 40 grams but will add a further 230ish calories.
