Doctors apt

Brock Landers

New member
hey bros
The past couple days have been terrible. I developed a fever of some sort and can't remember the last time I have felt so under the weather. It feels as though a golf ball is lodged in my throat, and I have hotflashes yet am shaking from chills. I am on week 2 of postcycle, I am still taking 40 mg/day nolva, and I'm actually wondering if the lowered estrogen levels have effected my immune system. Anyhow, I am going to the doctors either today or Monday, and while I am there I am also going to have him check the growth under my right nipple. Still not sure if this was AS induced gyno, pubescent gyno, or another type of growth/fat deposit. I will keep you all updated. Take care
Good luck to you, I hope you get to feeling better. Just remember that this is common post cycle. Lots of people get sick. It all has to do with cortisol levels, which do effect the immune system. Read my thread on cortisol and perhaps you will understand better.
Well, just as I suspected today I was diagnosed with strep throat. Lucky me :( Because of the terrible soreness I have been having trouble getting down my usual amount of food, this coupled with the fact I am in the middle of post cycle is not promising for my gains. When the doc weighed me in before the checkout I was 186. Before I cut my cycle a week short I was at 210. Needless to say I am not happy right now. When I asked him to look at my nipple, he just sort of felt around with his finger, made a face and said "yea it feels like tissue of some sort, nothing to worry about just keep an eye on it." I felt like saying well f*ck, thanks doc. Anyhow I am planning on taking some bromo alongside with nolva 20mg. I will start the bromo after my strep is gone and I have a clean bill of health to work with. Any reccomendations on the bromo dosage would be appreciated. Thanks bros
Not a happy Brock