does M1T shut you down?


New member
Im pretty sure it does but how badly does it? Should one treat it like a supplement you buy at GNC or a real steroid thats cycled? Anyone use it as a bridge.
Yes it will shut you down. And yes, treat it as a real steroid ;) Because it is a steroid.
I did NOT experience "shut down". I ran my cycle for 20 days (10 days @ 10mg/day then 10 days @ 15mg/day). I experienced a ridiculously tight lower back. My appetite shot through the roof. My libido lowered maybe a tad. I think some people are exaggerating on it's effects. However, I believe that M1T definitely works. I gained roughly 10-15 lbs on it during my cycle. I suppose it's the closest thing currently available to real steroids.
Everyone is different. Some people don't always get shut down with the "real" steroids. Or at least not as bad as others.

Running it for 2-3 weeks at a time will generally produce the least amount of sides than if you took it for a longer period of time.
Well guys I am into day 6 and Mr. happy works fine.
4 days at 10 and 2 at 15 mgs a day.

The fact that Mr. Happy is still working may explain the fact I havent experienced any real gains. Other then very sore joints and muscles I haven't really noticed anything. Infact I think some of my weight is down (but that could be cause I am in a bit of pain) I think the only real gain I got was a much harder hard on.

I am going to run next week at 15-10 and if nothing happens Ill go another week at 20.

I think Ill use Mr. Happy as my gauge as to how muc to take. I'll just keep taking more till he dont work .... LOL