Does Ostarine actually increase testosterone levels?

I'm just curious if anyone has done bloodwork while taking Ostarine? If so what dose were you taking? What were your baseline numbers vs Ostaring numbers?

How does it interact with non trt patients since there is minor shutdown? The reason that I'm very curious at the moment is because I know a guy who is about 150-160lbs. He is not on trt and is taking Osta, but started taking about 17mg of Osta per day thinking he doesn't need the 25mg because most guys taking that dose weigh a lot more than he does.

My concern is that since he is not on trt that a low dose may cause enough shutdown, but not overcome that because the dose is not high enough.

Anyone have any thoughts or insight on this? Also he is using sarmssearch.
Well the answer is no, osta does not increase test levels. My bloodwork showed a drop in totat T by about 200 points on 25mg/day. Bloods were done on my last day of osta after 8 weeks. I also noticed that my free T stayed the same, so it appears osta lowers shbg as well, keeping free T in range which is good.

Osta will suppress you no doubt and i believe the longer you stay on, the more you will be supressed and eventually shut down if ran too long. But as long as you stay within the recommended dose and the recommended cycle length, the suppression will be minimal.
Well the answer is no, osta does not increase test levels. My bloodwork showed a drop in totat T by about 200 points on 25mg/day. Bloods were done on my last day of osta after 8 weeks. I also noticed that my free T stayed the same, so it appears osta lowers shbg as well, keeping free T in range which is good.

Osta will suppress you no doubt and i believe the longer you stay on, the more you will be supressed and eventually shut down if ran too long. But as long as you stay within the recommended dose and the recommended cycle length, the suppression will be minimal.

So what are your thoughts on how Ostarine would do in a strength training athlete not on trt? A non "bodybuilder"? Is the lowering of the SHBG the only mechanism at work? I guess I need to read up on that as I don't know the benefits of it being lowered and how it effects us.
it would certainly be beneficial. Osta gives some good strength gains even at low doses. S4 gives even better strength and hardening. Lowered shbg can be good and bad. Good in the sense that it frees up more test in the system, but it also frees up more e2. this is not the mechanism that makes sarms anabolic if that's what you're asking. they compounds themselves are anabolic.