does this sound like winny powder?


New member
i have Winstrol (winny) powder that is

1. white

2. like powder. soft, not crytally (like it doesnt reflect or is it refract light like crytals would.

maybe its micronized? i dont think its Winstrol (winny) because i was looking at the pic that grafix-gnc posted and his looks more crytally like than mine. its the same color as grafix's but more powdery. ill be getting a digital camerea in the near future,

i have some Winstrol (winny) powder that is exactly like what youre describing. white, fine soft powder.
now how to get it outta the bag with out wasted a single drop in something more functional like a glass bottle.

with powders i get what i can out by shaking the bag. Then I use my solvents (ba/bb) and squirt em into the bag, mix, cut a whole and squeeze into my beaker.
DougoeFre5h said:
with powders i get what i can out by shaking the bag. Then I use my solvents (ba/bb) and squirt em into the bag, mix, cut a whole and squeeze into my beaker.
lol first time quoting myself...
Ive only worked with Winstrol (winny) once, and didnt use my patented method but im assuming it wont work at all, probabyl make it worse. We know how shitty Winstrol (winny) is to work with.
DougoeFre5h said:
lol first time quoting myself...
Ive only worked with Winstrol (winny) once, and didnt use my patented method but im assuming it wont work at all, probabyl make it worse. We know how shitty Winstrol (winny) is to work with.

LOVE to hear that, lol. i have feeling that in the end i may have wasted 5grams or more on my Winstrol (winny) :(

i didnt transfer it into the glass jar just yet. so no wasted Winstrol (winny) as of now. but PB says it likes to cling to the bag. my bag has a lot of surface area, so more surface area = more Winstrol (winny) wasted on the bag. i hope i dont waste 5 grams. next time im going to have it packaged in glass vials. bump the bag dill.

no way 5g will stick to the bag. i just empty mine best i can and throw the bag away or cut it open and lick it out. may be .2g or so but i dont think that s a big waste. :D
lol, i licked my bag when I made it. There was 0% waste factor in that conversion. You better believe that any white substance was thoroughly licked, i was rubbin it into my gums like a crackhead.
cuz the powders stick to the sides of the bag. I know of one domestic guy (well two actually but anyways) who will ship powders in vials. Only problem is getting a sticky type of hormone (deca/eq/testE) out of the vial is worse than with a bag that you can squeeze the shit out of.
DougoeFre5h said:
cuz the powders stick to the sides of the bag. I know of one domestic guy (well two actually but anyways) who will ship powders in vials. Only problem is getting a sticky type of hormone (deca/eq/testE) out of the vial is worse than with a bag that you can squeeze the shit out of.

With the sticky stuff in a vial, just heat the vial till the gear becaomes liquid and pour it out, you can even was it out with a little BA to get every last bit.
DougoeFre5h said:
lol, i licked my bag when I made it. There was 0% waste factor in that conversion. You better believe that any white substance was thoroughly licked, i was rubbin it into my gums like a crackhead.

LMAO!!! tears tears tears
rubbin it in your gums
you had me rollin :D

chi send pics to doug for the new line of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) labels. we wanna see our female home brew homie. esp if you gonna be on test.
chicmuscle said:
i aint gonna do test. i fear man-face.


at 100mg/w it aint gonna happen. that deca you gonna do has as much a chance as test of giving you male chacteristics. so does Winstrol (winny).

send the pics on girl.