Does this sound solid for a new user?


New member
My general stats 5'9" 165 lbs. Been working out for about 2 years, used to weigh around 135 lbs before I started working out.

This was recommended by a friend, what do you guys think?

Weeks 1-10: 500mg GP Test Enath250 ( 1ml Twice per week)
Weeks 1-10: 250mg GP Deca250 - 250mg ( 0.5ml Twice per week)
Weeks 1-4: 40mg GP Turan per day
Weeks 1-13: 0.5mg GP Anastrozole per day

Kinda thinking of upping the Anastrozole during that latter weeks and want to work in Danabol. Any recommendations? Possibly some supps to take with it? Any feedback would be appreciated :)
Look around the site a bit.. Really.. Test only would be your best bet for the first cycle. The 500 wk looks good. Save the rest for 2nd or 3rd cycle. Also your saying you have already gained about 30lbs since working out? I would suggest continue without it for now? Imo.. Also how old are you?
how old are ya bro? over 25 i hope....i usually dont answer questions like this to young guys,but you mentioned deca,thats a BIG no no if you are planning a first cycle

just a plan old test only cycle

Test cyp or Eth 500mg/week-12-14 weeks

But first,before using anything i would look at your diet and tweak it and continue natural till you have reached your full max potential,and weighing 165 lbs,i say you havent yet
Your going to hear this from everyone... and the sticky's WHEN AND YOU WILL read them...Drop the Deca, save it for your 2nd cycle.
Go 500mg test e 10-12 weeks....Use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when/if needed, you didn't mention a pct program which should consist of clomid/nolva 2weeks after last pin.
This is exactly what I'm doing for my first cylce (3rd week in). Right from the stickys and info from members...
Dude, they just told you. Read the stickies, stick to test only for a first cycle. save the DBol and deca for later cycles.