Doing it right this time......Hopefully


New member
Been using the internets to make sure I do this right this time.

12 week cycle
Test E 500mg per week
Tbol 60mg first 4 weeks
GH Green Tops 5ius daily (wallet pending) probably will end up doing a 5/2 split
T3 50mcg wks1-10 25mcg wk11 12.5mcg wk12
Aromasin 10mg eod
N2gaurad as directed
HCGen as directed
finasteride 1.25mg ED
Saw Palmetto (unsure of dosage)

HCG a week after my last shot. 500 ius 2 days apart
I'll probably go right into a cut until I bounce back from the t3

Couple questions
1. Wanna throw in some var at the end, but I'm afraid of libido effects. I'll already be on Fina and don't want to make things worst. Does test e combat libido suppression from var? Or should I just leave var alone this time? (which is kind of what I'm thinking)
2. Should I keep nolva handy for gyno or will I be good with aromasin?
3.Worried about acne but scared of accutane. Accutane seems to be the only concrete answer to acne. All other advice is all over the place.
4. Any one ever heard of tapering Test E at the end?
Been using the internets to make sure I do this right this time.

12 week cycle
Test E 500mg per week
Tbol 60mg first 4 weeks
GH Green Tops 5ius daily (wallet pending) probably will end up doing a 5/2 split
T3 50mcg wks1-10 25mcg wk11 12.5mcg wk12
Aromasin 10mg eod
N2gaurad as directed
HCGen as directed
finasteride 1.25mg ED
Saw Palmetto (unsure of dosage)

HCG a week after my last shot. 500 ius 2 days apart
I'll probably go right into a cut until I bounce back from the t3

Couple questions
1. Wanna throw in some var at the end, but I'm afraid of libido effects. I'll already be on Fina and don't want to make things worst. Does test e combat libido suppression from var? Or should I just leave var alone this time? (which is kind of what I'm thinking)
2. Should I keep nolva handy for gyno or will I be good with aromasin?
3.Worried about acne but scared of accutane. Accutane seems to be the only concrete answer to acne. All other advice is all over the place.
4. Any one ever heard of tapering Test E at the end?
Very poor cycle. Before I help you, what is your Your stats? age, weight, height and cycle history?
I'm between 12% - 15% bodyfat. This will be my second attempt. I really tried to research this time around, instead of listening to friends. What makes it such a poor cycle?
I'm between 12% - 15% bodyfat. This will be my second attempt. I really tried to research this time around, instead of listening to friends. What makes it such a poor cycle?
Too much gear, consider this to be your 1st cycle. Do test only.
Use hCG during your cycle, not pct. HCGen is garbage.
You listed 0 drugs that can used for your pct, recovery will be tough. Your aromasin dose is too low. I can go on and on.

Link that I posted above, there is a good example of how cycle should be.

Also, read the stickies, if something goes wrong, you'll know what to do. There's tons of informative threads out there. Invest some of your time educating yourself before starting your cycle. Its very important. People with no knowledge using gear are the ones who end up with bitch tits and many other problems. Its not just injecting and swallowing pills, there's more to it. I suggest you search threads by Austinite, you will learn everythinng you need to know to cycle safely.
Agree with the 2 much gear, so I'm dropping gh and t3, but adding gw. For pct I was following this guys advice.

I'll say it right now -- MAKE THIS A STICKY!!!

To anyone who doesn't know it, here's the deal. Read it and weep...


How can I say that? Well, because PCT is nothing but guesswork -- granted, there's some science and some very clever hypothesis involved, but it is not a medical treatment simply for the fact that it is not recognized as a medical condition. So what some of the pioneers of steroid use did was make some educated guesses as to what to use. But almost everything was considered a "good idea" 10 years ago, has been discredited.

The first "prevenative drug was Nolvadex. This was the brainchild of Dan Duchaine. He was brilliant in deducing that gyno was a form of a breast tumor and Nolva was an ANTI BREAST TUMOR drug. But Nolva comes with a host of side effects, including, lessened gains, lowered sex drive, bone loss,increased LDL and potential heart disease. And for what? Reducing the risk of gyno which can be prevented in the first place. Evn Dan admitted it was a shitty drug. So how did it become so popular for PCT? Because the internet is filled with idiots who are promoted as drug gurus. There isn't one shred of evidence that shows Nolva to help restore HPTA. Not ONE. But old habits die fast.

Clomid? Don't get me started. It's an estrogen It does what estrogens do. If you recover using Clomid it's usually IN SPITE of it, not because of it. In some cases it acts as an estrogen antagonist -- if your estrogen is high -- and you're lucky enough to respond in that way. Feeling lucky? You don't have to. There's a better way.

The smartest PCT is a 6 step program.

Step One: While "on" use HcGenerate to lessen suppression.

Step Two: Use HCG or HMG to kickstart your HPTA. This will not last however. The body must take over on its own, but this will help. DO NOT over use HCG. It will only lose effectiveness if you do too much.

Step Three: Use Proviron and/or UNLEASHED to lower SHBG and increase free testosterone -- making it as high as possible, even when suppressed. At some point you have to come off the Proviron but the UNLEASHED , which works similarly, can be used indefinitely.

Step Four: Use Aromasin to remove excess estrogen that may build up when androgen levels are lower and to allow the body to create more natural testosterone.

Step Four: Use POST CYCLE to detox liver, balance e and maintain erectile function -- VERY IMPORTANT when recovering. It keep the hormonal system working and that keeps the body making testosterone.

Step Five: Use Forma- Stanzol to keep Estro on check. If you're ultra sensitive to estrogen sides, add a tiny bit of arimidex. That's all you need.

Steo Six: Follow with BRIDGE to keep that "on" feeling. GEAR is also excellent to replicate the extra nitrogen that steroids provide. The 2 work great together.

There you have it. It's a little more complicated than just popping a pill of one thing or the other, but it's the only TRUE PCT there is. And the bottom line is works. EVERYTIME. GUARANTEED.

Do it smart. Do it safe. THIS is the very best PCT as of 2010.
Yeah, don't read a single damn thing that Nelson Montana writes. The guy is legit herp derp. For that matter, just stay away from that forum entirely...