New member
Been using the internets to make sure I do this right this time.
12 week cycle
Test E 500mg per week
Tbol 60mg first 4 weeks
GH Green Tops 5ius daily (wallet pending) probably will end up doing a 5/2 split
T3 50mcg wks1-10 25mcg wk11 12.5mcg wk12
Aromasin 10mg eod
N2gaurad as directed
HCGen as directed
finasteride 1.25mg ED
Saw Palmetto (unsure of dosage)
HCG a week after my last shot. 500 ius 2 days apart
I'll probably go right into a cut until I bounce back from the t3
Couple questions
1. Wanna throw in some var at the end, but I'm afraid of libido effects. I'll already be on Fina and don't want to make things worst. Does test e combat libido suppression from var? Or should I just leave var alone this time? (which is kind of what I'm thinking)
2. Should I keep nolva handy for gyno or will I be good with aromasin?
3.Worried about acne but scared of accutane. Accutane seems to be the only concrete answer to acne. All other advice is all over the place.
4. Any one ever heard of tapering Test E at the end?
12 week cycle
Test E 500mg per week
Tbol 60mg first 4 weeks
GH Green Tops 5ius daily (wallet pending) probably will end up doing a 5/2 split
T3 50mcg wks1-10 25mcg wk11 12.5mcg wk12
Aromasin 10mg eod
N2gaurad as directed
HCGen as directed
finasteride 1.25mg ED
Saw Palmetto (unsure of dosage)
HCG a week after my last shot. 500 ius 2 days apart
I'll probably go right into a cut until I bounce back from the t3
Couple questions
1. Wanna throw in some var at the end, but I'm afraid of libido effects. I'll already be on Fina and don't want to make things worst. Does test e combat libido suppression from var? Or should I just leave var alone this time? (which is kind of what I'm thinking)
2. Should I keep nolva handy for gyno or will I be good with aromasin?
3.Worried about acne but scared of accutane. Accutane seems to be the only concrete answer to acne. All other advice is all over the place.
4. Any one ever heard of tapering Test E at the end?