Done with Orals, time to move on first cycle


New member
Hey guys, I am new to the forum, hope i am welcomed with open arms. After running two oral pro hormone cycles i want to get my feet with a simple test cycle. Please tell me what you think of the cycle shown below. I have 2 questions that will follow the cycle shown below.

oWeek 1-12: Test E @ 150mg every 3.5 days (300mg/week total)
oWeek 1-12: hCG@ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500mg/week total
oWeek 1-14: Arimidex @ 0.25 EOD (day 2 till PCT starts)
oWeek 12-14: Nothing but Arimidex (see above for dose)
oWeek 14-18: Nolva @ 40/40/20/20 & Clomid @ 75/50/50/50

1. I am going to run 300mg/week instead of 500mg/week just to see how my body reacts, i believe in the saying "more isn't always better". So with that being said should i drop down the hCG iu's? To make the ratio better.
2. I guess i only had one question hahah my bad

Age: 22 (yes i know i know but i have been reading and doing research for years and i know this is what i want to do)
Weight: 175
Height: 5'10
Training history: I have been training for 6 years now, first three years were more hypertrophy training and these last three years have been more powerlifting. I follow DUP training and it has been beyond successful. Lifts are 425/325-335/485
Diet: I have a coach who helps me with diet and training, the coach is well known and great friends with Layne norton. I weight and track everything, currently 727 days straight on MFP, lost phone or it would be in the 900's hahah.
Life: I attend college, future pre med student.

If you have any question feel free to ask but i just wanted your option on my first starter cycle.

God Bless,
Seems like a very low test dosage, even for a first cycle. Those lifts are very impressive if they are actually true. What you are saying about more is not always better would apply to massive doses of gear in the couple of gram range. 300mg wk is not going to cut it IMO. Run 500mg and here is a study showing how much better 600mg wk works than 300mg wk. You also seem kind of young but if you are dead set on doing this you may as well not half ass it by using a dose that will only put you above physiological range. Why risk damage to your hpta only to get crap gains and maybe shut yourself down. You need to calculate the risk vs reward here and go with the higher dosage. IMO you should wait a couple of years but the choice is yours bud.
I agree with tury694 you are young. Wait till you are 30. But if u insist read all stickies on this site. Test at 600 mg is he way to go. Read the 300 vs 600 mg article it is a great read. I run mine at 600mg. Also I don't think u need aridex from week 12-14 just by itself. Possibly just week 12 then start pct 2 weeks after last test E shot.
I gained a lean 33 lbs on 200 mg of test pinning every 5 days on my first cycle,, BUT I had hypogonadism to begin with and had very low natural T levels..

Go get your baseline bloods done before deciding on any cycle

If your in the upper range and used to high natural T levels already ,, then you may very well be better off with more then 300 mg a week (which may only put you at the 1200 ngnl range,, when you want to be in the 3500 plus range)
Ex---collegiate Powerlifter here.

Welcome to Ology. The guy s are right.

I was a 5 11 181 for 18 months then a solid 198 in GradSchool.At 170 those are great numbers. Are they FULL Paaused LOCKED OUT ?

You ll learn a a pic !