Double check my stuff before I start Pro Stack


New member
Need help with my first cycle

I want to be as prepared as possible for my first cycle of prohormones so I want to present my training regime for the community to critic. My goals are to bulk as healthy as possible, maintain my gains and be prepared for any potential situation. I’ve done a lot of research on my own and feel this is the last step before I begin. My goal is to start in approximately a week.

Here are some basics,

Age 22, 178 pounds, 6’1, 7% body fat , my

goal is to reach 200-210 pounds while on my cycle, in addition the body fat I accumulate is irrelevant to me, my metabolism is very fast and I generally eat 3200 calories daily to maintain my current physic.

I’ve plateau for a while and decided a cycle could help get me to my next goals.
The last 3 weeks I’ve devoted time to getting my body prepared for a calorie increase so that the jump in calories doesn’t stress my body too much. I’ve been recording and tracking my calories on my Iphone, and I’ve gradually worked my way up to 4500-5500 calories a day.

Here are my diets stats. I worked with a weight lifting buddy to create this diet.

Each meal is planned out at about 700 calories, 56g protein, 70 grams carbs and 15 grams fat, veggies and fruit with most meals.

Full day (Changes on the given day as I give some variety.) (7-8 meals a day)
Protein: 367 grams
Carbohydrates: 540 grams
Fat: 75 grams
Calories: 4503

In addition I’ve worked on my sleeping habits to guarantee at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Here is my cycle:
Weeks 1-4: Dieselbolan v2.0 - 1 capsule 3 times a day spread out morning, Noon, and night
Week 1-4: Forged Bromo - 1 capsule 2 times a day morning and night.
Week 1-4: Forged Liver Support - 1 capsule 2 times a day morning and night.
Week 4-8: Forged Post Cycle - 2 capsules 2 times a day morning and night.
Week 4-10: 4-10Forma Stanzol - 5 pumps rubbed on your chest 2 times a day morning and night.

I’ve done a significant amount of research and was unable to find anyone doing this exact same cycle. I’m wondering if there are any additional products I should have prepared for pct?


Here is my workout plan

The idea with this workout is it is very different than the one I’ve been doing for the past 2 months. I presume that if I change the workout routine up it will further aid in gains? (Please let me know if this is correct)

Also let me know if this is an adequate workout for the cycle I’m doing?

Is there a workout that would increase my gains more? Ideally I want a workout that optimizes my gains during my cycle and helps maintain them afterward.

Quick questions:
Is it best to take diesel at the same exact time every day, if so how should it be spaced out?
If for some reason I miss a pill by an hour or two what is the harm and should I be concerned?
If I show any sort of unusual symptoms besides the anticipated side effects should I just get off of the pills and begin pct?
Very detailed set up. I will say yout asking 20-30 lbs in gains which are quite high end. Nothing is impossible, but its going to be a hard road. Just keep that drive and pus like you there is no tomorrow in the gym. Your looking solid on products except I recommend a SERM to be added into your post cycle therapy (pct). Pre-load your liver support.

Glad you mention sleep and that you will get enough of it.

Switching up your routine often has the effect of stimulating muscle growth as your body usually adapts to current routines over time.

Everyone responds differently to different workouts so I am reserved in recommending a particular one, though I quite enjoyed doing OVT(optimum volume training).

For your quick questions:
It is best to take diesel at the same time every day, if you miss a dose you will be fine taking it as soon as you can. Being 2 hours off will not ruin your day or your growth. It is likely you will experience side effects to some extent, the goal is to keep them minimal. It depends what you experience whether or not you hop off and straight into PC. Just keep an eye on your blood pressure, and stool/urine to make sure everything seems clear.

I recommend before/after blood work. There is a thread on here for quite cheap blood work available pretty much everywhere.

I am very tired and have work in about 5 hours so I need to crash. You can ask anything I may have missed though and I or someone else will get to it.
Well it looks like you have put alot of thought into this and laid out a nice cycle for yourself. If I were you I would get in contact with 3J before you start and have him take a look at your diet plan, he will help you get the most out of your cycle. That being said I wouldn't neccesarily expect to gain 30lbs from your planned cycle. Is it possible? Yes but a solid 15lbs is probably more realistic goal. I agree with Zero on having a serm onhand for post cycle therapy (pct), better safe than sorry. I also like to see HcGenerate run during your cycle as well to help with shutdown. Good luck with this, I hope you get the results that you are hoping for...
Thanks guys for the response that is just what I needed.

One question I had is does it makes sense to take Forma Stanzol from weeks 4-10 or should I take Forma stanzol from the get go. If so is 4-10 pumps twice a day a good dosage?