Drink Tren?


New member
I've seen that you can drink winny... is it possible to drink Tren. I don't really look forward to sticking myself everyday, but I will if I have to. But of course if I don't have to and can drink the shit that I will.
I believe it will be usable in a very, very small percentage, but it would not be worth it.
You could use trenbolone enanthate, although I typically wouldn't recommend it if you haven't ever used tren before. Some guys don't respond so well to tren.
mranak said:
You could use trenbolone enanthate,

I know of numerous guys on the boards that have run tren enanthate for their first tren cycle. The majority have been fine with it, however there are some that have had major problems. It just comes down to the fact that you can't easily adjust your dosage to minimize negative side effects when/if they pop up. You basically have to choose a dosage, hope it's not too much, but if bad sides come up you have to end the tren all together and wait for it to clear your system. Not an ideal situation.

(And MRanak, I know you know all of this, I just wanted to spell it out for everybody's benefit. :) )

theclozer said:

Definitely a viable option.