drinking, drugs


New member
any successful bodybuilders here also drink beer and or smoke marijuana?

I just got back from the gym and had a beer I was so thirsy and it was so good.
I sniff coke before my workouts instead of popping ephedrine. Then I put grain alcohol in my post workout shakes.

What kinda ? is this? Do you wanna be a lifter or a ripper. I mean a beer or two here and there isn't bad but pot lowers t-levels and increases estrogen
Sure there are pros that smoke, drink, do drugs, gay porn, etc but it definately isn't HELPING them any. The key with anything is moderation. I wouldn't come straight home from the gym and down a beer because I'm thirsty though. PWO is the most important time to get in the sugar/protein that you need.
my liver is under enough stress as it is....dont want to make it any worse, and alcohol will just make it worse
I would totally feel like I wasted a workout if I got home and drank a beer but I guess that is just me. Too hard on my liver anyway.
someone was telling me that marijuana actually increases metabolism(not sure on the truth of that), it obviously increases hunger(Munchies) So as long as you eat clean alittle hear and there keeps motivation HIGH and hopes HIGH.
I smoked pot for 13 yrs. Didnt get much accomplished in the gym till the last 2yrs. since I haven't smoked. It's actually changed my whole life. Now, for what your sayin it does increase appetite but it also produces estrogen. Thats why long term pot smokers develop breasts just like gyno.
Dlove said:
I smoked pot for 13 yrs. Didnt get much accomplished in the gym till the last 2yrs. since I haven't smoked. It's actually changed my whole life. Now, for what your sayin it does increase appetite but it also produces estrogen. Thats why long term pot smokers develop breasts just like gyno.

I never knew that. Forget about the surgeons warning and that suff about lung cancer, knowing I may grow titties really makes me wanna not do it as often.
session69 said:
I never knew that. Forget about the surgeons warning and that suff about lung cancer, knowing I may grow titties really makes me wanna not do it as often.

Yeah it's pretty beat. That's only for longtime habitual smokers. Look at a Grateful Dead movie some of the old fat guys in the crowd got tits hangin lower than their girls,LOL. Personally, I love kind bud the smell of it kicking back and just eating laughing and being crazy. I was just one of those smokers that it caught up to me. Shit theres doctors and lawyers that smoke but they still make it to work in the morning. Be honest with you havent said this yet but the main reason for my Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use is it's a replacement for drugs and alcohol for the time being. It makes me not want to drink or smoke.
dznutzx said:
any successful bodybuilders here also drink beer and or smoke marijuana?

I just got back from the gym and had a beer I was so thirsy and it was so good.

I just remember a interview on this board I read about a top olympian BBer who was doing crazy shit. Painkillers coke no drinking just drugs. So I guess the answer to deeznuts ? is yes, but it will just kill you that much sooner.
Suppose its not TOO bad if u don't make a habit of it. I still put down a few every once in a while, but since i've gotten to be more serious w/lifting, I hardly ever drink and don't do drugs anymore. Don't c anything bad w/bud IF its in MODERATION. If not, u'll just loose motivation, T, and build up estrogen. Coke and other shit will F u up if u're trying to build muscle. Think of them as drugs that will help deteriorate your muscles. Not a good idea. But suppose if u did it once a yr. it wouldn't set u back 2 far. But honestly...who's gonna do coke once a yr. Yeah right. Not worth getting an addiction out of the deal. Just focus on lifting and once in a great while feel free 2 endulge, just don't get 2 stupid about it. Remember how hard u worked to get 2 where u r in the gym. U can loose it fast if u're messing around 2 much w/drugs/alcohol.
session69 said:
someone was telling me that marijuana actually increases metabolism(not sure on the truth of that), it obviously increases hunger(Munchies) So as long as you eat clean alittle hear and there keeps motivation HIGH and hopes HIGH.
you are an idiot. So what if weed increases metabolism. Im sure crack does too.

And to the original thread starter....youre an idiot too. That was the stupidest question ive ever heard, and drinking a beer because you were "that thirsty"....you should just give it up and become a regular al bundy.
DustinLati2 said:
you are an idiot. So what if weed increases metabolism. Im sure crack does too.

And to the original thread starter....youre an idiot too. That was the stupidest question ive ever heard, and drinking a beer because you were "that thirsty"....you should just give it up and become a regular al bundy.

That's a little harsh. Different strokes for different folks. I also feel it's stupid to effect your gains with drugs when your payin for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and all that food. Now when your not on
AAS, shit party it up but leave it to the weekends so you can try to hold onto some of what you worked for. I will add this, it would be shocking if some people knew about the drug use of some of the pro's. It's stupid, maybe that's why some of them are dyin in their 30's.
DustinLati2 said:
you are an idiot. So what if weed increases metabolism. Im sure crack does too.

And to the original thread starter....youre an idiot too. That was the stupidest question ive ever heard, and drinking a beer because you were "that thirsty"....you should just give it up and become a regular al bundy.
Nice contribution to the thread. :asshole: :moon:
ectomorph said:
Nice contribution to the thread. :asshole: :moon:
well it was a ridiculous question.

thats like asking if buying a bunch of expensive steroids is going to get you out of debt. No, of course thats an idiotic idea, why even waste your time asking that question. You already know the answer. Everybody drinks a little now and then, but drinking after a workout and smoking weed PERIOD is just stupid if you care at all about your health or physique...unless your just naturally gifted.

why dont you drink a 12 pack before your next workout and let us know if that increases your performance any....because your supposed to be hydrated during your workout, and all the carbs will give you energy, and all the calories from the alcohol will help you put on size. Plus the weed will act like a thermogenic and give you even more energy and strength....youll be like an animal :druggie:
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