Eating 5,000 Calories a day

DirkMoneyshot said:
If your eating 7000 kcals to maintain that size in your picture your in the wrong sport -----Eating that much food is VERY unhealthy. Pick up table tennis or horse shoes-

Last thing don't you guys have better things to buy with you money?? That kind of food is easily costing 20 - 25 dollars / day. I'm not about to spend close to $700 you get my point with GENETICS

Ha. I wonder how much that MULE guy spends weekly..
DirkMoneyshot said:
If your eating 7000 kcals to maintain that size in your picture your in the wrong sport -----Eating that much food is VERY unhealthy. Pick up table tennis or horse shoes-

another case of no one listening- but I gurantee it is the same people that are the first to PM when I put up a new clients before and afters.

Lastly Liftildie 4700 kcals is no where near 7000 even 5700 is not close that still a stupid amount of food.

Last thing don't you guys have better things to buy with you money?? That kind of food is easily costing 20 - 25 dollars / day. I'm not about to spend close to $700 you get my point with GENETICS

I'm out of this discussion

I don't compete in any sport, I lift because I love to lift. As far as genetics are concerned I don't think mine are so different from the majority of people. I just don't get who you were trying to call out with your first little soapbox rant. Truck and I were the only ones who posted our weight.
JMHFL7 said:
Many people talk about diets with 5,000 cal. Is that for a typical person 5,10 @ 180lbs or for someone that weighs 250lbs? Dosen't the food go to waste as it is not asimilated (abosorbed) in our bodies if you are 180?

I also read here that you need to eat 5 -6 smaller meals as oppossed to 3 large ones, you know, spread them out (I eat 5 times). But, can anyone tell me what normal person eats 5,000 calories in 3 servings?? And if you divide that by 5 meals that is 1,000 cal per meal... that is not a small meal, is it??

I mean if it were Mc Donalds, yeah (due to all the fat), but if you are eating good food with low fat, you have to consume twice as much chicken and rice/beans to make your intake equivalent to 1,000 cal!

Anyway, every time I eat, Im always bloated. it never goes down. So basically I am forcing my self to eat every 3 hours... is this what I am supposed to do?

1. MRP w/ 1 cup milk
2. Chicken/Meat/Fish (7-8oz) + 1 cup rice + beans (sometimes) + salad (3 times)
3. work out
4. Post work out- 1 scoop of whey protein w/ water
5. 3 eggs + slice cheese + 1 cup of oatmeal w/ milk

Any thoughts?

Okay first off i would start the day w some whole food. Perhaps eggs and oats. If you are one of those who cant eat eggs. Then have chicken and a yam. You can save ur mrp for between meals when u cant get real food. Like perhaps 2 hours after breakfast. Then ur lunch meal meal 2 can stay the same except it is now meal 3. Get some carbs in that post workout meal to spike ur insulin. Ur last meal is fine for a last meal but you should atleast add another meal preferably 2 in there simliar to meal 2.
personally im around 285 right now. im trying to lose some fat, but i have actually been gaining even with cardio and light diet. im probably eating around 3000 calories and have noticed fat loss and strength gain. my numbers have generally gone down. i need to see a chiropractor before i can do squats or deadlifts heavy, but im looking a lot better than ever. and only on a measly 3000 calories compared to everyone else here.
In that pic I was about 275lbs. Quit skewing remarks. I only eat 7000k to bulk. You are right it is very unhealthy to eat like that all the time, so during season I'm around 4000-5000kcal. There is nothing wrong with my genetics. I'm actually blessed because its very hard to get fat, Yes I do spend a shit ton of money but I quit drinking so it evened out. When bulking I'm spending 400 a month just on food. I don't think you know enough about me and my sport to tell me to do something else.
Truck post your diet with the 500g of Protein and 7000 kcals

Your comment about spending 400 / month on food tells me right there that your not eating that much. 500g of protein at a minimum will cost that much let alone all the other food.

And as far as your "sport" i've coached more individuals in different sports then you would know. I worked for a D1 athletic department out of college so i know a thing or to about "sport".
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Back on topic-
The more you eat, the more you gain. However, the more you eat, the less efficient the food will be used. Also, an excess of food will not 'go to waste' at first; it will more likely convert to fat. And extreme calorie diets are in no way healthy.
There is a line you need to draw somewhere.
But keep in mind most people eat BELOW that line.
Thoms said:
Back on topic-
The more you eat, the more you gain.

I agree to a certain extent. However, I don't think eating 10k calories a day will get you any more muscle than 6k calories (with the same proportions), only more fat. Even on gear I think there is a limit to how much you can gain, which is also a genetic thing.
Thanks for all the input., TRUCK, JYNX, PHIL & DIRK.

Years ago I did a diet of 5,000a day for about 1 month (1,000 per meal) as opposed to the Average 2,500 - 3,500 and it was just TOO MUCH. I'll just try to eat as much as I can (of course, knowing it has to be above 2,500).
THOMS makes a great point that about EFFICIENCY......

This is what GENETICS are when I talk about it- Part of the success of the best BB or weight lifters is the ability to use every bit of food the eat. If your having to eat as much as you guys are talking about then its obvious this is not on your side. SO WHY??? put your body in a up hill battle like this. In 10 years when this means nothing to you all you've done is caused damage to your body that you can reverse its already happened.

Now as far as Gimp after doing a quick calculation it would seem your probably close to 5k but if you really expect to be gaining size when your doing as much cardio as you are its not going to happen to the degree that you want it to. I GURANTEE if you restructure your diet properly (60% OF your protein is Shakes) your body will work a lot better (again i'm talking efficiency) something you don't get from shakes and move your carb intake into the right places. They are fine to supplement with (25% or less) but at your level your not going to get the most benefit from your food intake.
DirkMoneyshot said:

I GURANTEE if you restructure your diet properly (60% OF your protein is Shakes) your body will work a lot better (again i'm talking efficiency)

This is something I think a lot of people don't realize. I don't consider 60g of Protein shake equal to 60g of meat protein (same with weight gainers). I take in 2k cals of weight gainer a day, but I'd say in reality it probably equals maybe 1000 cals compared to real food.
However, I don't think eating 10k calories a day will get you any more muscle than 6k calories (with the same proportions), only more fat.
Yes, like I said, if you take it to an extreme point, it can ultimately only be stored as fat, and if you take it even further to a 10k diet, some will go to waste. By that point you will have overshot the benefit. There are even some subtle exceptions to my previous statement. I've read an interesting study where some older people - but not all - actually gained MORE when eating slightly less (concretely more gains on a 5000 cal diet than a 6000 calorie). The reason for that was speculated that with the higher calories, the body will expect a continuous flow of overkill, using the food less efficiently.
DirkMoneyshot said:
THOMS makes a great point that about EFFICIENCY......

This is what GENETICS are when I talk about it- Part of the success of the best BB or weight lifters is the ability to use every bit of food the eat. If your having to eat as much as you guys are talking about then its obvious this is not on your side. SO WHY??? put your body in a up hill battle like this. In 10 years when this means nothing to you all you've done is caused damage to your body that you can reverse its already happened.

Now as far as Gimp after doing a quick calculation it would seem your probably close to 5k but if you really expect to be gaining size when your doing as much cardio as you are its not going to happen to the degree that you want it to. I GURANTEE if you restructure your diet properly (60% OF your protein is Shakes) your body will work a lot better (again i'm talking efficiency) something you don't get from shakes and move your carb intake into the right places. They are fine to supplement with (25% or less) but at your level your not going to get the most benefit from your food intake.

I agree with genetics being a decisive factor in determening a poper diet. Myself, I keep gaining more with every meal I am squeezing in, with 9 as the record. At that point I experience dramatic muscle gain along with bloat, but surprisingly little fat gain. Also, from experience, I don't respond well at all when I start replacing meals with shakes. But I realize that's probably just me.
If some of you guys need 5,000 or more to gain or sustain weight. How about people who are 5'9" and weigh over 300lbs and only eat twice a day and dont lose any weight?? I work with tons of fat people at they barely eat... how is it that they are sustaining their weight? Can anyone explain??
Gimp said:
Kevin Randleman for instance is 5'9" and 210lbs. ripped. he must do tons of cardio and obviously lifts as well. what the hell is he eating to maintain/gain size?
There is a genetic component, 5000 calories is ridiculous for many people and could be what another person needs to put on weight. Also where those 5000 calories come from does make a difference, if most of those calories come from sugar and simple starches the effects on insulin production will be different if most of those calories come from proteins and fats. The most important thing is that everyone is different so giving a number such as 5000 calories does not make any sense. Dialing it in takes a bit of experimentation until you get it right. Just because Lee Priest says he eats a certain way does not mean anyone else should ever try to copy what he says he does. Get to know your body, and the less processed your food is the better it is.
Gimp said:
here's where I get confused, I am very active..however, not nearly as active as let's say someone whom competes in any sport at a pro or even intermediate level where size, strength, endurance, etc...are an asset (football, wrestling, MMA etc..).

Disagree with this statement. You are very active, as much as any athlete would be.

Randleman cuts to get to 205..he is def not a 205er....prob somewhere aroun 220 and cuts down alot. And if you see him when he wrestled in college, he was alot smaller.
Other good examples of built mma guys that clearly hit the weights...Phil baroni\vitor belfort. But baroni had serious cardio problems when he was in the ufc...besides he was def too big for 185. When he went over to pride and got a new cardio coach he actually slimmed down a little and looked more like a boxer and is doing pretty well in Pride.
apperently you don't buy cheap food, I do. I only buy the neccesities and I didn't include costs of supplaments only food. Maybe you should learn how to strech a dollar. There's no way to prove anything unless you want to hang out some day bro. Other than that I guess we should just quit pissing in the wind, its obvious we don't agree with eachother.
I wanted to post my gains in less than 3 weeks - eating 5 times a day (weekends 3-4 times)

I have gained 5 pounds without having to eat 5,000 calories. My intake is approx 3000 a day- and no, it has not been fat.