eating for endurance.


New member
could you guys help me with some numbers??

my diet differs quite a bit from most of your as I'm an endurance athlete. I would like to have a thread showing how I/we typically eat.

I shoot for 125 g of protein and I adjust carbs according to training.
not really sure if the numbers work out though since im not really sure how you count that sort of thing.
this is a sample of my diet.

breakfast: oatmeal 1,5-2 cups +200ml skim milk + medium banana +coffe +scrambled egg 2 whole eggs and 3 eggwhites. I primary eat scrambled eggs on the harder training days.

lunch: 1 cup parboiled rice + smoothie(400ml milk,medium banana,1 tbsp honey)

snack: 2 slices of wholewheat bread + becel +ham or somthing that tastes good :D

dinner: 0.5 cup rice/pasta +100g tuna/chicken +veggies

late evening: glass of milk with honey.

if anyone knows the numbers of this or has an input feel free to comment.
one thing i have to say is your diet looks very health. i'm not going to spent time right now couting your cals for you but i would aim for around 2500 to 300 calories a day because you an endurance/untraendurance athlete. theese types of athletes tend to cut away alot of their calories to stay thing but the fact is the they need more than most of us bodybuilders because they expend sooo much. trust me you will not gain weight on 2500-300 cals a day if your an endurance athlete (running like 5-10 k a day or sometim like that.) you good to go bro just make sure you get all your nutrient and stay WELL hydrated. most important thing in your sport is hydration. try water for shorter bouts like 45 minutes but for ay past that (ussually with you guys) i would consume some type of glucose-electrolyte combinations like gatorade or cytomex. endurex is good too but more exspensive. i feel gatorade with suffice.