eating garbage past 4 days, muscles feel hard and fuller


New member
starting off, im on t and Anavar (var) right now, was on dbol along in this stack, just cut the bol out 2 weeks ago
ok, so i have been dieting pretty hard for the last 3 months, 1 hour cardio everyday, eating fish chicken eggs and rice and oatmeal everyday
5 whites 3 whole eggs
1 cup of oatmeal w honey
2 chicken breasts and 2 filets of tilapia and one cup of white rice everyday
i felt my body getting fatigued so i decided to take off the last 4 days, today being the 4th day, and throw my body into shock, been eating garbage non stop.
yesterday i felt great not tired muscles felt pretty swollen and hard
today however i see myself bigger my muscles feel so big and hard that they ache, but i feel great, i have been eating chinese, pancakes with a assload of butter, not too much syrup cause i dont like it too much, cheese egg and potato tacos in homemade flour tortillas, ate 6 turkey burgers with cheese and avocado um ive just been going at it lol can anyone explain to me y my muscles have swollen up and feel the way that they do?
ask the people where you live if anyone threw proviron in the garbage... that might be why, if not, maybe you weren't getting enough calories to be ahead when you we eating clean, and your body was falling behind slowly...
Lol funny , the reason I wasn't eating a whole lot of calories is, I'm trying to lose these last 30-40 lbs of fat I still have around my midsection, I used to be rnd 400lbs of pure lean FAT LOL I did drop a lot of bodyfat while I was ieting, I going to go head and start eating more cals see where I go from there thanks lol
You probably actually ate enough to feed your muscles. When you run in such a calorie deficit, you're not going to see much if any muscle growth. There are calculations to help you figure out what kind of calories you need to consume based on your goals.
Also, Anavar (var) has a tendency to show good pumps.
Makes sense, the reason I was a little dumbfounded is because I ate nothing but unhealthy food's vs healthy calories thanks for all the info guys
The foods you ate we're higher in carbs most likely which causes your muscles to fill up with glycogen and water thus looking more pumped, you could of also had more salt which will make your body hold onto more water.

On your diet if you we're eating less carbs your body will use up your glycogen and you'll lose water aswel, which is why you're muscles look flatter when dieting. On average your body holds onto about 8lbs of water a glycogen.
The foods you ate we're higher in carbs most likely which causes your muscles to fill up with glycogen and water thus looking more pumped, you could of also had more salt which will make your body hold onto more water.

On your diet if you we're eating less carbs your body will use up your glycogen and you'll lose water aswel, which is why you're muscles look flatter when dieting. On average your body holds onto about 8lbs of water a glycogen.

see ive read this, and this is knowledge that i kinda knew (however i do appreciate all the info not at all taking from your info) ive just never experienced it quite this way before, see the thing is i still have a whole lot of fat im trying to burn off, i have a spare tire round my midsection taht just doesnt see to want to disappear fast enough lol as well as side tits hahhahaah, im assuming due to this weekends events with what I have exp going on a "depleting diet" might not be the best route for me, can u offer any suggestions as to how i should go about my diet to burn off this fat?
should i eat more healthy carbs along w more protein as well? im thinking fuk it i might as well build my muscles up as much as i can then huh? lol
im 5ft6in and currently weigh 250 at about 18% bf, but due to the gut and side boobs im thinking im more rnd the 20+ mark
Keto diet is probally best either that or very low carb diet. I struggle to lose weight if I add carbs into my diet, even if they're complex. Looking depleted can be annoying I hate it too, I just look weak, but power through it all because the end results are worth it. Don't start bulking and building musle haha you need to cut, judging by your avi you would look awesome if you we're shredded.