Eating sensible


New member
weight lifting is my favourite hobby, I do it to feel and look good.
I eat sensible and train well, but i'm not into all this calorie counting shit.
I have developed muscles and they are pretty cut, but i have abit of body fat, i'm not addicted to the point where i have to get it down to something crazy like 7%.

Am I doing wrong by not counting?

I still do the 6 meals thing, keep them small, carbs and protein, lowered fat ect.....
the more you learn about nutrition the less you should have to count calories, and grams of protein, carbs and fats. Eventually you should be able to listen to your body and diet can be second nature. Stay with the 6 to 7 meals a day and keep your diet reasonably high in protein and cut carbs and fats when trying to get leaner. Sometimes counting everything gets out of hand and takes the enjoyment out of bodybuilding---enjoy it, and eat healthy. Save the calorie counting for when you are planning on competing then it may be necessary to be a bit more scientific with your diet. I prefer a more intuitive approach to diet and it seems to work for me. I have been able to get my bodyfat as low as 6% and I try to stay under 12% when I am bulking.
I think old school bodybuilders back int he day weren't as into nutrition as now days, most followed a high protein, low carb diet, but now days the more u know about nutrition the better results you'll get.