Eating the protein First Reviewing Why we do it.


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Posted by Massive G
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There was a recent thread on Mayhem in which someone questioned DANTE's advice to eat the protein first.
I thought I'd share it here and added some more clarification on my part why we do this.
Dante could probably write 2 books on this stuff so what I write most already know or maybe not.
Every few years I have posted it and always get a few people that benefit from it.
We DC'ers already eat proteins first but I thought I'd share why since I have eaten for function since day 1.

DC::Think for a second--If you fill your hunger with protein first what are you most likely not going to eat a huge amount of? It takes roughly 24.6-26 calories burned to digest every 100 calories of protein yet it only takes roughly 3.8 to 4.2 calories burned to digest every 100 calories of fats/carbs so are you figureing out yet why my trainees are always hot like a furnace and stay reasonably lean eating gross amounts of food?

If I can add something here to further back Dante's theories:
Eating protein first in a meal increases the effeciency of digestion and a greater overall amount of protein as an end result in from a meal. In short a greater amount of aminos make it to the blood stream. Everytime I have written about this in the past few years people always are like "WOW I learned something new today".
I call it eating for function.
The function of the digestive system.
I eat proteins first for 2 reasons-that digestive system is physiologically geared that way and it improves the effeciency of digestion and a greater overall availability of proteins/aminos from food for the body to use.
Carbohydrates are digested 30% in the mouth with the salivary enzyme amylase and of course chewing.
CARBS aren't digested in the stomach=they just sit there and slowly pass into the small intestines where the pancreatic enzymes do 70% more and complete the process.
Fats are the same way if eaten first or mixed with carbs will sit there and clog up digestion.
Proteins are primarily digested in the stomach. Therfore, eating proteins after these foods will result in a reduced amount of protein digestion-leaving some incompletely digested and unabsorbable and therefore lost.
This in turn causes the undigested protein to be pulled into the small intestine reducing the protein effeciency of your meal and contributing to the mass of your colon.
You want something worse? We are set up by traditional eating to fail.
Go out to a steak house. First thing you get is your salad-THAT is the last thing you want to eat in a meal after the steak and then the potato.
Cellulose is undigestable by the human body and will really clog up the process reducing the effeciency of digestion and your meal itself.

As mentioned previously proteins speed up the metabolic rate more than carbs and fat. Concerning basal metabolism proteins speed it up 30%, Carbs and fats 10%. The mere process of digestion and absorbtion of protein races the metabolism and will increase anabolism in an advanced athlete.

Now granted you can eat a huge meal like a Mcdonalds Combo meal mix it all up and it will get digested but it will interfere with feedings and the effeciency of the meal will be less and eventually leadto a lot of adipose tissue gain.

There are reasons we eat Protein and Fat together and protein and carbs. Insulin. Eating fat and carbs are a death warrant to bb'ers when consumed together and lays adipose tissue down as easily as Home Depot lays down cheap carpet.

I could write more especially on the types of proteins and their absorbtion-things like incomplete proteins etc.

Poor Rocky still thinks Peanuts are a good protein meal when their amino acid structure is very very poor.
Maybe one day we can teach him that Rockys interpretation of DC training isn't DC training.

Anyhoo..just my 2 cents. We are all here to learn from each other but Dante's methods are backed by science and 3-4 years of online "University" studies with 100's reaping the benefits-so it is good advice and gospel for most ADVANCED lifters.

This was a good post too in the thread:
Protein will serve you a dual role in body modification in that it is as important for body fat reduction as it is for muscular gains. In regards to body fat reduction, protein has a specific dynamic action on the metabolism which means that when you ingest protein, your metabolic rate is elevated higher and remains elevated longer than when you ingest either fats or carbohydrates. A high carb meal will only elevate your metabolism from 4 to 30 percent above normal. This small elevation will last only 2 to 5 hours. A high protein meal however will elevate your metabolism by up to 70 percent above normal and this effect can last as long as 10 to 12 hours."

The entire thread is on mayhem and I thought I'd bring at least some good points out of it and add it here for others benefits.
Eat in this order

- Protein
- Veggies
- Carbs/Fat

With a Protein/Fat meal your fat is probably going to come from sources such as ground beef, fish, or other meats. Now, with this you will be eating the protein and fat together ( try to seperate the fat out of the beef-protein and you are a genious :D ) .

You don't need a time lapse. Just try and eat the protein first, then veggies, then carbs. Eat as fast as you normally do.
Good post. I remember reading about this years ago and have always followed it despite forgetting why.

I'm not saying this is RIGHT, nor am I saying this is WRONG.

It's definetaly something to think about.
my concern is once "everything" gets to the stomach, it already has a marching order put in place as too what is going to go 1st into the small intestine.
carbs are sent 1st
protien next
fat is last out of the stomach.
So I had chicken parm for dinner tonight. I ate the cheese and chicken at the same time, as well as the sauce.
