Eating while sick


Super Ninja
So I'm home today with the flu or flu-like symptoms. I have no appetite and have no energy. There is no way I can eat my usual 6 meals or come close to what I need for calories and protein intake.

The weird thing is that I am really craving sweets like oreo cookies and ice cream. I normally have zero cravings for stuff like that.

What do you guys do on days like this when you can't get your normal needed calorie and protein intake?
I just switch over to protein shakes and toss in some extra things that I might need for the day such as olive oil, peanut butter, multi vitamins ;)
Yep- I have non- flavored protein I would mix with my soup. Or with a cup of oats mixed in a coffee grinder for the carbs
i usually take a bunch of glutamine while sick to help boost my immune system along with lots of fresh oranges. bcaas and a few protein shakes thru out the day as well. drop some zinc too or ZMA. lots of sleep bro, thats the only sure way to get better....and multi vit!
I had the flu about a week ago myself. Had to force feed myself. Mostly stuck to higher calorie foods since I didn't feel like eating frequently. Some raisin Ezekiel bread with omega 3 peanut butter and sugar free strawberry jam. Or my enemy, tuna!
Man I had a lot of trouble choking down a protein shake tonight. No appetite. At least my bones no longer hurt and I'm not so tired. Really hoping this is just a 24 hour thing.

I hope you feel better. When Lil man was sick He had no appetite either, try to rest, drink lots of fluids, eat some oranges hopefully you feel back to yourself soon.
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