Eating with GHRP-2/CJC-1295


New member
Just wondering if there is a "right way/wrong way" to eat while doing this stack? I think it was the GHRP-6 that I read you shouldn't eat fats or carbs at least 30 minutes before OR after injection. Is this true and does it apply to the GHRP-2 as well?

Other then that, just eat as normal? (considering you have your diet in check)
From the little that I truly understand. Protein would be okay, but carbs blunt growth hormone and fats do even more so. So you'd probably be okay having a protein shake after a ghrp-6 injection before bed, but adding fat in would blunt the gh and pretty much waste the ghrp.

I usually only take my ghrp-6 in the morning before breakfast and I wait about an hour before I eat anything. (I do my fasted cardio then)

I am planning on running ipamorelin starting next week and comparing the results and I am planning on taking it just before bed and I am not as sure about eating immediately after ipam. as opposed to ghrp, but I should probably just not eat right before or after the injection.
I'm on a bulk and was looking to get some for my appetite..Struggling to shove food down...So when do you receommend dosing for the purpose of stimuating hunger? KInda confused now since you cant eat any fat or carbs with it...

How do you dose it around your meals?
I'm on a bulk and was looking to get some for my appetite..Struggling to shove food down...So when do you receommend dosing for the purpose of stimuating hunger? KInda confused now since you cant eat any fat or carbs with it...

How do you dose it around your meals?

Who told you that you cannot eat that with the peps?

You wants carbs and protein after pinning the peps (20-30 min or so unless its PWO).

Peptides: GHRP2, CJC 1295 w/o DAC, and IGF1 LR3

Weeks 1-4: GHRP2 + Mod GRF(1-29) 100mcg each AM & PM
IGF1 LR3 50mcg Post workout

Weeks 5-8: GHRP2 200mcg AM &PM
Mod GRF(1-29) 100mcg AM & PM

Weeks 9-12 GHRP2 200mcg AM & PM
Mod GRF(1-29) 100mcg AM & PM
IGF1 LR3 75mcg Post Workout
Who told you that you cannot eat that with the peps?

You wants carbs and protein after pinning the peps (20-30 min or so unless its PWO).

Peptides: GHRP2, CJC 1295 w/o DAC, and IGF1 LR3

Weeks 1-4: GHRP2 + Mod GRF(1-29) 100mcg each AM & PM
IGF1 LR3 50mcg Post workout

Weeks 5-8: GHRP2 200mcg AM &PM
Mod GRF(1-29) 100mcg AM & PM

Weeks 9-12 GHRP2 200mcg AM & PM
Mod GRF(1-29) 100mcg AM & PM
IGF1 LR3 75mcg Post Workout

Quoted from another site:

You do not want to eat fat or carbs a minimum of 30mins before or after injecting as they will blunt your pulse

So are you saying this is a false statement? I'm just trying to find out which is true before I start my cycle
Personally I eat like a chow hound after my ghrp-6 shot. It's either that or die an agonizing death of stomach pains. I eat protein/complex carbs.
I have no problem eating after my shot, and the weird thing is its after EVERY shot. If I take it before bed I have to wake up and eat. So i take mine pwo