EB and TP powders? What should they look like?


New member
F-in around, the initial re-crystalizations were done, then the solution was left to sit for 48hrs, 24 of it was in the fridge. I filtered out the rest of whatever was in there, and it's very powdery like, almost like TA. In fact, I've been messing with both(fina/synovex) lately, and at 1st I thought it was TA. It's white, flowery, not metalic like TA, and nothing like the hard crystals in the initial re-crystalization. Would this be semi pure EB?
sounds like TP.
pure TP is white fine powder, actually you first batch is probly got more EB than this one.
check your melting points to be sure. a low melting point is a sure sign of EB.
through all my experiences with synoplex the 1st batch has the most EB in it, but not everycook is the same