I'm trying to increase my fat intake but also trying to reduce bf so need it to be from good fats.
At the moment I take 3 EFA's caps a day, which is the max amount to take a day according to the instructions but that only gives me about 3g's of fat!
I also have a handful of almonds a day (approx 15g's) and obvioulsy I get from from other pieces of food but not much at all because my diet is really clean.
Anyway my question is, is it ok to take more efa caps than what the instructions say to boost up my intake?
At the moment I take 3 EFA's caps a day, which is the max amount to take a day according to the instructions but that only gives me about 3g's of fat!
I also have a handful of almonds a day (approx 15g's) and obvioulsy I get from from other pieces of food but not much at all because my diet is really clean.
Anyway my question is, is it ok to take more efa caps than what the instructions say to boost up my intake?