Egg Whites & Oatmeal


New member
i think i speak for alot of people i absolutley hate eggs in general but i know egg whites its great protein for your body then i can across something great liquid egg whites where you can actually mix it with what ever you like to drink :) That was music to my ears because then you can mix it with a scoop of whey protein and thats what i call a great protein shake . Then my friend keeps messing with my head saying that its better cooking egg whites as supposing to drinking them is his statement accurate ?

What u guys think of instant oatmeal packs i especially like the maple & brown sugar ( less sugar ) ones . i read where each packet has 4 grams of sugars is this too much ?

Thank you :druggie:
All I eat for breakfast are instant oatmeal packets.

As for the egg whites, as long as they are pasturized you can drink them raw. I tried it once and I felt like I was drinking snot. I ended up cooking them, LOL
I remember reading something on raw eggs. i don't know if this pertains to pasturized egg whites but it does with regular eggs. if you drink them raw, then they have a protein in them that inhitbits the breakdown of the food and keeps to from absorbing the protein and amino acids like you should. again, i don't know if this is the same with egg whites sold in the box, but it does have to do with the eggs inthe cartons. thi protein is killed or broken don or something when you cook the eggs. enough said that you never have to drink them nasty raw egg shakes again, because now you know its better to cook them. :druggie: