Enan 500mgs/EQ 500mg?


New member
What do you guys think about doing a cycle of test and EQ, i know that’s a great combo, but my question is this will be my first time with EQ and im pretty sure ill be running 500mgs/week, along with 500mgs/week test.
The EQ seems a little high to my, but i think im going to do it. Is there any rule about running more test than EQ??
I will prolly add some fina in there also
weeks 1-10 Test Enan @ 500mgs/week
Weeks 1-10 EQ at 500mgs/week
Weeks 8-13 fina
Maybe some prop weeks 10-13.

My goal is to get cut up, and hard. That s why i want to run the EQ so high, and the kind i will be getting is 500mgs/ml.

This will be my 3rd cycle. Stats im 22, 5'10” 200lbs, about 10%bf.
all my other cycles were test and fina.

Right now Im using EQ and its my first time and Im running it at 700mg/wk. Reason being, I talked to Nimrod25 long ago about EQ and he was quite adament that EQ is quite useful for experienced gear users but really only at around 600 mg/wk. Nimrod is quite experienced with EQ and his word is good to me.

And clee, no worries about running the test at the same dosage as the EQ. Im actually running test at only 600mg/wk.

Im only 5 weeks into the EQ right now and I am starting to see its worth. I can tell that when I get my BF to where I have it projected to be near the end of my diet, that I will be as vascular as I have ever been.
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BiggieSwolls said:
Right now Im using EQ and its my first time and Im running it at 700mg/wk. Reason being, I talked to Nimrod25 long ago about EQ and he was quite adament that EQ is quite useful for experienced gear users but really only at around 600 mg/wk. Nimrod is quite experienced with EQ and his word is good to me.

And clee, no worries about running the test at the same dosage as the EQ. Im actually running test at only 600mg/wk.

Im only 5 weeks into the EQ right now and I am starting to see its worth. I can tell that when I get my BF to where I have it projected to be near the end of my diet, that I will be as vascular as I have ever been.

biggie and nimrod sitting in a tree i-n-j-e-c-t-i-n-g

600 atleast. :)
thanks, i might even think abotu doing 600. but i will forsure be doing 500mgs/week.
BiggieSwolls said:
Right now Im using EQ and its my first time and Im running it at 700mg/wk. Reason being, I talked to Nimrod25 long ago about EQ and he was quite adament that EQ is quite useful for experienced gear users but really only at around 600 mg/wk. Nimrod is quite experienced with EQ and his word is good to me.

And clee, no worries about running the test at the same dosage as the EQ. Im actually running test at only 600mg/wk.

Im only 5 weeks into the EQ right now and I am starting to see its worth. I can tell that when I get my BF to where I have it projected to be near the end of my diet, that I will be as vascular as I have ever been.

Biggie, how long are you running the EQ ?
im doing the same cycle...500mg Test E (250mg X 2 per week)
600mg EQ (300mg X 2 per week)
Im running the test for 10 weeks and the EQ for like 12-15 weeks.
I want to run the EQ alittle longer because i heard that you dont see results till like week 4. Im also taking liquid-dex to keep down any bloat and Nolva at hand if and when i need it.