Epi Trenazone cycle questions


New member
Im 6,4 240lb 16-17% bf and figured i'd finally post about a cycle since i actually had questions for once

Im wanting to try the epi tren stack as i've tried epi alone twice before at 6 weeks and loved it with no sides.
I'd probably run this at:
epi: 30/45/45/45/45/45mg
trenazone: 75/75/125/125-150/125-150/125-150mg

my pct will look like one of the two with the serms:
Nolva 40-30/20/20/10
OR Clomid 105/70/70/35
Should my pct be longer?

i have my staple supps and have been taking them year round for past few years just for good health
i have vitex/p5p and caber on the side for the prolactin from tren and clomid/nolva for pct(my research concluded that nolva and tren are in fact compatible in long term)
i have my pct in check with Erase, Post Cycle 3x, 3-5g DAA, and a t booster i'll be taking all cycle for help with libido

im just worried about up-regulation progesterone, but from what i've read that the up-regulation only occurs within the first two weeks of nolva then substantially decreses for everyone from then on.

does this look like a solid cyle for this stack?
so the problem here is that trenazone is not tren. you need to do some more homework. Go google dienolone and start reading

PCT can just be clomid...the longer you run it the better...you can run clomid for a LONG time and still get a decent benefit from it. And no need to dose it so high. Clomid has been show to be effective at 25mg. So just run it at that for 6-8 weeks along side your other PCT products.

But yes, these two PHs will stack nicely.
here is what i would recommend for pct...

clomid 50/50/25/25 AG-guys.com
unleahsed/post cycle combo ntbm.com
aromasin 12.5 mg eod AG-guys.com


ostarine 25 mg day uniquemicals.com

Phytoserms and HCGenerate
can be used in place of the Unleashed/post cycle combo if they are out of stock
