Epic Bulk Cycle - test e tren e dbol


New member
Age: 19
Weight: Around 180
Height: 5'8
Bodyfat: 12-14%

This isn't anywhere near my first cycle so that's why I am comfortable doing these dosages.

I plan on doing this:

1-12 Test e 1g/wk
1-10 Tren e 800mgs/wk
1-4 dbol 75mg/d
4-8 dbol 150mg/d
1-12 arimidex 1mg/d

I eat 5 meals a day and meal prep every sunday. Right now I'm doing this:

4 eggs
1 serving oatmeal
2 pieces toast

10oz steak
9oz sweet potatoes
1 cup broccoli

8oz ground beef
6oz sweet potatoes
1/2 cup broccoli

Post workout:
10oz chicken
8oz sweet potatoes
1 cup broccoli

10oz steak
12oz sweet potatoes
1 cup broccoli

I'm striving to be an IFBB bodybuilder. Did my first show (Dallas Europa) this year and placed in the Teen Bodybuilding.

Please comments thoughts you have. I'm pretty set on these dosages and doing this cycle so if you're going to try and differ me into something else please have good reasons.

Your 19.... A gram of test and almost a gram of tren. Running dbol 8 weeks? And u should live to see 23 at this rate. You say nothing about PCT, what's your plan for that? What other cycles have you ran?. This seems like a bad idea, and don't expect to see to many positive comments here.
Your 19.... A gram of test and almost a gram of tren. Running dbol 8 weeks? And u should live to see 23 at this rate. You say nothing about PCT, what's your plan for that? What other cycles have you ran?. This seems like a bad idea, and don't expect to see to many positive comments here.

I've ran:

100mg drol
500mg test e

150mg dbol
500mg test e

400mg tren e
400mg winny oral


for the winny I went from 100mg first few weeks then 150 4th week then bumped it up to 400mg last 2 weeks before comp

PCT I'll do 100/50/50/50 of clomid.
wow no offense but you have made some poor choices kid you need to go rethink some things and the doses your at now when you get immune to things then imagine the doses you will have to use you need to go re-evaluate your life buddy this is not the way this is some serious abuse.
Im not as strict as most these guys here and id say this is completely the wrong choices you have made at your age, I mean i get it but seriously your to young. And also all those stacked cycles and your 180???? idk man something is wrong here and us vets can always spot it out. for your best interest id stop before there is permanent damage.