Epistane and maybe 11-Oxo


New member
hello everyone,

Some background information about me:

I'm 22 year old been lifting naturally since I was 15( apart from one prohormone cycle I did).
It was halodrol 50/50/75/75/75 (march 2015). I went from 180 pounds with 9% to 196 pounds with 12%. (6ft1)
I kept 194 pounds after my pct of nolva 30/30/15/15. After this cycle I managed to gain some fat and muscle naturally.
I'm at exactly 198 pounds now at about 13%.


Now I am planning to start a Epistane (+ 11oxo maybe) cutting cycle.
I want to cut from 12% to 8/7%.

After reading for years about Epistane I came with different ideas of running cycles.
I came up with these possible cycles

EPI 30/30/45/45/45/45
OXO 0/300/300/300/300/0
CHOLINE/INOSITOL 0/0/3000ea/3000ea/3000ea/3000ea


EPI 30/45/45/45/45/45
OXO 200/200/300/300/300
CHOLINE/INOSITOL 0/0/3000ea/3000ea/3000ea/3000ea

Also I have milkthistle and vitamins running.
+taurine against backpumps

Reading through alot of forums and information about pct's I came to the conclusion I would like to run clomid at 100/100/50/50

I want to start the cycle in Februari. Does anyone have any tips ?
And which cycle would better in your opinion?