Epistane is NOT MILD!


That doesn't sound like real e-stane to me either. I've taken several brands, and I can tell you 100% sure that IBE epistane is not real epistane. I know that's not the brand you were taking, but it leads me to believe it was a different compound you were actually taking. I don't think it was super though. My guess is phera-plex.

P.S. Is epi still legal?
So IBE epistane shouldn't be purchased ??
You shouldve used test but I have ran epistane before solo (before I knew test was very important) and I did not suffer any sides from it. It was very mild in my eyes. Wish you the best.
IBE epistane

That doesn't sound like real e-stane to me either. I've taken several brands, and I can tell you 100% sure that IBE epistane is not real epistane. I know that's not the brand you were taking, but it leads me to believe it was a different compound you were actually taking. I don't think it was super though. My guess is phera-plex.

P.S. Is epi still legal?

Why do you say it is not epistane? There was an issue 2010. I thought that was resolved.
Bloating? Gyno? Major lethargy? You sure the bottle didn't say M1T or something haha. Epi will not do this to you unless you maybe have some enzyme deficiency and your body can't process it... which I've never even heard of before. All I can say if this happened then you're doing something wrong/not using Epi.

Why do you say it is not epistane? There was an issue 2010. I thought that was resolved.

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Epistane isn't that great. I've tried it and it doesn't ...really...do anything for me. I wanted increased energy, I don't really care about size. Also, I'm lifting the same amount of weight as I did without epistane. I'm going to try something else eventually. Anybody have any experience with other prohormones? I'm looking for increased energy, performance, and shorter recovery times.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Epistane isn't that great. I've tried it and it doesn't ...really...do anything for me. I wanted increased energy, I don't really care about size. Also, I'm lifting the same amount of weight as I did without epistane. I'm going to try something else eventually. Anybody have any experience with other prohormones? I'm looking for increased energy, performance, and shorter recovery times.

Fuck prohormones. Go with a 12 week test cycle. Epistane is shit I didn't notice anything, may as well have been maltodextrin a capsule. I used it when it first came out.
I think Epistane fucked me up. I have bladder problems now meaning my bladder is in pain. I'm scheduled to run a 500mg/week of test around december sometime. Just wondering if anybody knows the max limit of test to be in your system?
This OP cracked me up. Here we have a guy slamming Epi because of the "damage" it caused him. This supposed damage was an alteration of his liver enzymes, an increase in lethargy, an increase in water retention, a reduction in test production, a reduction in his libido, and a reduction of facial hair growth (LOL). He then goes on to claim that Clomid & Aromasin were shitty PCT drugs that did not allow him to recover and further damaged his libido. To finish it off he has the audacity to claim that the much less effective Tongkat Ali brought on a better recovery, made his facial hair "re-grow", and corrected his libidio issues. The ignorance dsplayed in this OP is disturbing and shows us why people need to educate themsslves before putting up posts like this.

First of all, Epistane is NOT a mild steroid, so right off the bat we realize he did not know what he was dealing with. Secondly...the visual effect this product produced does NOT sound like Epistane...AT ALL! Epistane does NOT cause ANY water retention, it sure as hell doesn't add 20 lbs of mass in 4 weeks, and it rarely ever causes the type of serious lethargy he descibed here..and certainly not at the relatively low doses he was running. MAYBE a beginner who did everything right might gain that kind of weight at higher doses, but it is very rare.

So, I seriously doubt he was actually running Epistane, regardless of what the bottle said. What he is describing is no different than someone saying they ran a cycle of Winstrol at 30 mg daily and then gained 20 lbs in 4 weeks while experiencing massive water retention. That's pretty much what he said happend to him on Epi at 30 mg daily. If someone said they experience those effects running 30 mg of Winstrol, would you believe that person was actually using Winstrol? Hell no...because winstrol doesn't cause those effects....and neither does Epistane.

After that, the OP slams Epistane again because it reduced his T levels to 75 and caused his lipids to flucuate. LOL. Apparently, this guy never did a smidgen of research on oral AAS and their side effects. Otherwise, he would have known this was going to happen in advance...because T levels and cardiovascular health markers are ALWAYS going to take a hit whe using methylate drugs. One would think the guy was just told he was on the verge of death by the way he responded to those numbers. If he can't deal with lipid alterations, then he has no business using orals...or he could use supplements designed to maintain these health markers. If he can't deal with suppression of natural T, then what in the fuck is he using steroids to begin with? All steroid will shut-down the HPTA severely! This goes with the territory...and he should have known that. Rather than educating himself about this, he instead decided to slam the product because it did what all steroids are supposed to do.

He goes on with his bitch-fest by saying Epistane reduced in libido, which again, he should have known could happen. Any steroid can and WILL reduce libido after a while if testosterone (or straight DHT) is not added into one's cycle. Yet again, he is acting angered because this steroid did exactly what it was supposed to do. It elevated his blood levels of anabolic hormones, which in turn caused his body to stop test production. What did he think was going to happen? Did he think exogenous steroids cause the body to produce more testosterone? Come on.

It is also hilarious that he thinks this Tongkat Ali is better for re-starting the HPTA than Clomid and Aromasin. That stuff doesn't even come close. He further slams these proven PCT drugs by stating they kept his libidio suppressed. This was due to his own ignorance...and shows us once again why no one should be using AAS before they do the proper research. Had he done so, he would have realized that Epistane will majorly reduce estrogen levels through two mechanisms. It not only reduces estrogen indirectly by suppressing testosterone production (which meas there won't be any test to convert to estrogen), but Epistane itself has inhernet anti-estrogenic effects. With estrogen being an essential component of male sexual function, reducing levels too far will result in sexual dysfunction. By the end of his cycle his estrogen level would have been quite low, so what does he decide to do? The right thing to do would have been to "normalize" estrogen levels, but instead he decides it is a good idea to start using a potent anti-estrogen at 12.5 mg per day as soon as his cycle concludes. Well, if he wanted to keep his libidio in the shitter, that was a great way to do it.

In terms of lethargy, while Epsitane doesn't usually cause this side effect at those doses, the OP should have known this was a possible side effect of methylated steroid use and accepted it as a possibility before beginning his cycle. In my opinion, he has no right to knock this steroid because he exprienced a side effect common to oral AAS.

Guys...take this entire OP as a warning to do your homework before using steroids. Whether it is D-bol, Epistane, testosterone, or methystenbolone...all of them are "real" steroids requiring proper insight prior to use.
I call bullshit mainly for the fact he was using any type of supp while tossing around 15lbs Db's and loading up the BB with an ungodly 160lbs, in what way would that tell him hes ready?

Regardless, I ran epi-strong solo for 6 weeks, In all honesty I cant remember if it was 40mg or 60mg, BUT I did but on 15lbs and saw some nice gains. I loved epi
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You read it wrong. He was pushing 160lb dumbells on bench press. Problem was that he was only using 25 DB for side laterals raises which calls his hole post BS.