Epistane with test boosters


New member
Since epistane doesn't produce much testosterone shutdown, would it be a good idea to stack a test booster with it?

That would increase the effect with minimum side effects. That would also reduce the need to run a PCT.

What do you think?
epistane is a steroid and it will shut you down like any other. Treat it as such and run proper pct.
Who says that, the product makers? lol

Its a steroid. Its based on a steroid called Epitiostanol that was used in Japan to treat breast cancer. All they did was take that steroid and methylate it to make it more bioavailable. The result is its many times stronger now than in its original form. The manufacturers arent gonna tell you about shutdown, that would be admitting its an illegal steroid. It works like any other steroid in that when you put it in your body, your htpa will recognize an exogenous source and start to shut down. How fast it shuts down depends largely on the dosage. A small dose will cause slower shutdown but wont yield much results. That would be a waste of time. A larger dose of say 30-40mg a day will yield much better results but will cause more shutdown. Treat it like any other steroid.
epistane is a steroid, you need to run nolvadex afterwords, just like you would do with any other "pro hormone" like superdrol or masterdrol, havoc, haladrol, ect...
I've been taking epistane for 2 weeks. I experienced no testicular atrophy. It's definitely a great product. A lot of posts I read on forums suggests that shutdown is minimal.

The idea of taking test boosters with epistane is this.. let's say I can maintain 200lbs naturally, that is, with my natural level of testosterone. If I can maintain my testosterone with the epistane, I can maintain 200lbs and the epistane can add muscle on top of that. If my testosterone is cut in half, I can maintain say 160lbs plus the epistane effect, so a significant part of the epistane would just be used to maintain my 200lbs.

Since the epistane doesn't provoke much shutdown, testosterone boosters may be effective to at least maintain natural production.

There would be no need for post cycle therapy (pct) also.

BTW I made good gains in just 2 weeks.
A - what do you consider "good" gains?
B - Why do you argue? It's a steroid that has not been made illegal yet. Take your post cycle therapy (pct) or you will be wasting your time.
I've taken epistane several times usually 2 weeks on 1 off with novedex XT during the week off. Usually I take 4 pills.

I've also tried to stack epistane with 3-AD. I can tell you guys, that's fucking awesome. 2 pills of epistane + 2 pills of 3-AD. I grew so much in just 2 weeks.. even more than when I was on "real" steroids no kidding. And I'm not talking about mostly water gain like with d-bol and test.

Only problem is.. I always get gyno. It's really unnerving, all the more that these PH are supposed to have little gyno effects. I always have to wait between my mini-cycles for the gyno to go away.

Is there a supplement I can take during my cycle to avoid getting gyno? If possible a legal supplement. Would novedex xt work for that? I can get some nolva but it's much more expensive..

I've tried A-dex in the past when I was taking steroids. It was very expensive and did not prevent gyno.
I tried letro several times in the past, it didn't really help. it's very expensive also. I'm looking for a legal supplement.
nothing legal will rid you of your gyno and epistane does require a post cycle. it is a mild ph and good for first cycles but it is a steroid and is needed to be treated as such. nolva or clomid may be overkill but you could run an otc post cycle therapy (pct) that could include inhibit-e, hypertest, and lean xtreme. you should run epistane for 4 weeks straight, then post cycle for 4 weeks and then take at least 8 weeks off before you run it or any other prohormone again. do some more research
Epistane is a steroid and it will shut you down. What makes it superior is your body recovers from being shut down from it much easier than most other steroids.
You want an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, not a SERM. Different types of estrogen, etc. Its complicated, just accept it. Only use gyno for a few days if you have non-progestin related gyno occuring.
What about proviron while taking epistane? Do you think it would it reduce gyno?

Would it cause more shutdown?
You could stack it with TestRx. It is a test booster as well as an estrogen blocker. I would run epistane and follow it up with the TestoRx. It works better than Novadex.