I've been taking epistane for 2 weeks. I experienced no testicular atrophy. It's definitely a great product. A lot of posts I read on forums suggests that shutdown is minimal.
The idea of taking test boosters with epistane is this.. let's say I can maintain 200lbs naturally, that is, with my natural level of testosterone. If I can maintain my testosterone with the epistane, I can maintain 200lbs and the epistane can add muscle on top of that. If my testosterone is cut in half, I can maintain say 160lbs plus the epistane effect, so a significant part of the epistane would just be used to maintain my 200lbs.
Since the epistane doesn't provoke much shutdown, testosterone boosters may be effective to at least maintain natural production.
There would be no need for post cycle therapy (pct) also.
BTW I made good gains in just 2 weeks.