EQ only cycle- week 7--No Results!!


New member
Using it at 800mg per week. Excellent diet, balanced out good fats, with good carbs. Not seeing strength increase, or vascularity. Cannot stack it with anything because I'm prone to f#$%^%^ hairloss. Should I just get off of it cold turkey, and wait 7 weeks and go with Deca.? or is this just how eq works. My hunger increased, anger did too, anxiety is up, now where are the strength gains and vascularity.?
Damn ripped sorry to hear about your "NO" results so far. What brand of Equipose are you using? I know it took me roughly six weeks to start noticing body compisition changes.
Shit bro... I remember answering your post before. That sucks that it isnt working for you. At 800mg even if it is underdosed you should have seen something by now. What are your approx. total cals per day? Besides that, all i can think of is a 4 letter word starting with f....

I didnt see much in the way of anything until the 6-7th week...and I did the same 800mgs a week...Give it another week and see if it changes....
I will give it another week,.... I'm using QV EQ. I was thinking of throwing some 1-AD or testegen in there. Both are ove rthe counter supplements, but work very well, without causing any hairloss.
That is real eq, all your symptoms(hunger,aggitation,anxiety etc shows its taking effect.Underdosed?What brand?UG?
how many cycles have you done with just eq?
if your prone to hairloss i'd save some money and get some primmo or better yet anavar..

Boldenone is veeeery slow to kick in, so be patient (but anyway 800mg is alot of shit, and 7 weeks is a long time... I would start doubting about real or not)
yea dude. i was on a cycle like that and saw results starting at week 4 and man i was doing like half the dose as u. check your gear/
VegasBoy said:
That is real eq, all your symptoms(hunger,aggitation,anxiety etc shows its taking effect.Underdosed?What brand?UG?
how many cycles have you done with just eq?
if your prone to hairloss i'd save some money and get some primmo or better yet anavar..


Primo wouldn't be a wise choice if he is prone to MPB, now anavar thats a different story! :D
Primo-can't do it; Anavar-can't afford it; As far if its real or not, Its QV Bold 200....I checked evereything, it doesn't make sense! i'm sooo pissed, and my buddy is on the exact same cycle and he too is complaining of no strength. I didn't even know QV had fakes out...
not real impressed w/ QV EQ either...i won't use it again.

is it possible that certain individuals just don't react well to certain kinds of juice?
Dirty-thats what I was thinking too!! For those of you who are giving me advice.... have you used your EQ alone? or stacked? Because I was researching and I guess it makes HUGE difference!... I'm using mine alone
ripped1979 said:
Dirty-thats what I was thinking too!! For those of you who are giving me advice.... have you used your EQ alone? or stacked? Because I was researching and I guess it makes HUGE difference!... I'm using mine alone

I have done both ripped, solo and with test. With Test I noticed an increase in mass while alone I gain 5lbs if that but dropped a considerable amount bf%, pretty much just used it to maintain lbm while dieting/cardio.
i've used EQ solo and stacked it. didn't like it solo, but figured i'd try it w/ test and tren and see how it worked....again, not impressed.

i've taken it at 300mg/wk and 800 mg/wk and i still don't react well to it.
What type of goals are you expecting from eq alone?. Eq takes a long time to work so I wouldn't stop it just yet. Running it less than 10 weeks is pointless IMO. How well do you trust your source? All qv products I use have yeilded good results. I think some people expect eq to do something that it won't. It isn't going to blow you up but if run for a longer period of time and given proper diet and training, you should see some size and strength gains as well as an increase in hardness and vascularity. I think it works best when stacked with something. I am currently running 600mg a week with 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ed and 200mg of cyp.