Estrogen Level is High and Test Level is low .... your input is appreciated


New member
thanks for taking the time folks.

I posted this in the steroids section and was asked to seek advice in the TRT section. My initial post was in regards to my high estrogen level yet other members alerted me that my low test is what i should be worried about and not my estrogen.

started cycling when i was 31 yrs old and blood work showed that my Test levels were on the low end.... Yet i felt fine.

Even before and after each cycle, i would do bloods and i seem to bounce back to the same range of Test that i have always had... and my doctor assured me that if i was feeling good, then there was nothing to worry about.

I got blood work done a week ago (which marks 6 months after my last cycle of Test E / tren E 350/600 a week ).

Estrogen Total: 221.8 pg/mL [60-190]
Testos Free 78.2 pg/mL [35-155]
Testos Tot F&T 385 ng/dL [250-1100]
Lipids were normal
LH was normal, FSH normal.

In 2 weeks, i am starting my Dbol/Test E / Deca for 14 weeks.

anything i should do before i cycle? am i really a prime candidate for TRT ?

greatly appreciate the input.

stats: 35yrs, 5'7, 12%BF, 190pouds, 5 cycles already (once a year ), lifting 10+ years.
Thats your total estrogen, thats not really that important. What is important is your E2 level.

As for if your a candidate your moderately low on total and free T so you could go for TRT.

When was this lab work drawn in respect to your last T shot?
Thats your total estrogen, thats not really that important. What is important is your E2 level.

As for if your a candidate your moderately low on total and free T so you could go for TRT.

When was this lab work drawn in respect to your last T shot?

THE-DET-OAK, thanks for the reply brother... it's been a while. you are one of the 1st ones who gave me advice 5 years ago when i first joined.

I am trying to find the E2 level, i have 6 pages of blood work so going thru those.

As far as timing the blood work, i did the blood work 2 weeks ago, and that marks 6 months after my last Test shot... i did Clomid only as a PCT 100/100/50/50/50

like i mentioned, my Test level has always been on the low end yet i felt fine. And every time i bring up the low numbers of my Test to my doctor, he tells me that as long as i am feeling well, then there's nothing to worry about.

ran 5 cycles already and seemed to hold on to a good amount of my gains.... out of the 5 cycles, the last 2 were Tren cycle and i really like it and didn't see any major sides other than night sweats.

I am looking to bulk in 2 weeks (dbol/test/deca) and now i am hesitant.
Well I can't recommend the cycle in the TRT forum but as far as your worry about estrogen total estrogen is a completely different thing than high E2 so I am not sure you have much to worry about. It is common for guys to mistake the total estrogen for the E2. When everyone talks about high estrogen they are referring to estradiol specifically.

Its possible you didn't get it tested.

Hope this helps