Evening workouts and R insulin. Any ideas.


New member
Currently on:

Test E: 1g/week
NPP: 700mg/week
Letro: 0.625mg daily
Caber: 0.5mg twice a week

I've finally got everything dialed in as far as my AI and this much test goes. Now I'd like to add some R insulin. As far as diet/supps go I've got all of the necessities lined up the only problem is my timing.

I've read pre-workout protocols, post-workout protocols, split protocols, etc. One of my mates who's in the know has also said that the pros time it for meals and not necessarily for their workouts. As you can see, the recommendations are all over the place.

What I do know is that I only have access to R insulin and I don't get off work until 4pm. I'm usually in bed by 10pm and I'm not even remotely interested in testing whether or not 6 hours is enough for it to run it's course. So here I am. At your mercy.

Do I need to time my pin around my workout? Can I pin earlier, say around 2pm, and still get benefits from this if I'm working out 4 hours later? When is optimal?

Any direction here would very much be appreciated.
I don't know much about insulin as I've never used it exogenously before. It get limited exposure on the boards because most of us are not at the level where it's worth the risk.

This much I know. Generally, insulin is taken right between your workout and post workout drink with fast acting carbs like dextrose. Then, maybe 30 min to an hour later a meal with medium glycemic index carbs and protein. You must be very careful to injest enough carbs to handle the insulin spike....that's the dangerous part. The type of insulin you use has a lot to do with with timing and type of carbs you take in.
The smart thing is to start small like 2-4 iu and document your personal tolerance before trying to take enough to be a monster. Small people have to watch their carb intake or they get fat
have you decided on how to proceed with this?

I'm still working on it as far as the timing goes. I mean I have everything else on point and ready to go as far as supplements, diet, ancillaries, etc. but I feel with something like this, if it's not optimized it's a waste of time. The risk/reward ratio is just to great to half ass this so I'm waiting.