Ever happen to anyone? Nervous...

Savage Tenacity

New member
Hey everyone. I recently had been running some forma stanzol that I got from Mr Supps, I wanted to incorporate it to my first cycle and thought I'd try it solo first to see how I react, I heard it was good for cutting. Anyways, I proceeded to take it, I was doing anywhere from 10-14 pumps a day, which I guess is a bit high. I was getting great results, it helped me trim down from 200 to 187 where I'm currently at. I woke up everyday with morning wood, and horny as hell! Anytime my girl came near me I was sporting a woody. However, about a week or so after finishing I have noticed some changes in my boys. They don't seem nearly as full. The other night I had a few drinks with my girl to celebrate being done school, and I couldn't get it up for shit, i was devastated. I thought maybe it was the alcohol, in the morning she went down on me and things seemed to be working I'm not sure i got as hard as I had been though. However, my morning woods are now gone, I wake up with a chub at best. My boys still feel drained and it's much more difficult for me to get it up even looking at porn. My girl is starting the pill after her period is done and is expecting some quality wood. Terrible timing. Did I do something wrong? I ordered some HCGenerate today after reading lots of good reviews about it. I also have access to clomid, but wanted to save it for my first cycle. What do ya think guys?
Sounds like you killed your E2 levels to me. Why would you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when you're not cycling?
I read on some forums online people took it for cutting and I was trying to trim down and keep my strength. I figured it would be safe to try it out and see how my body reacted. I just didn't want to load my body up with a bunch of gear at once that it is not accustomed to. I guess trying to be safe actually backfired on me. Any recommendations? Do I have to wait it out or would some clomid or hcgenerate help out?
I'd just stop using it and let your estrogen levels return on their own. If you're truly concerned, you could always get a blood test to confirm what's going on. I'm sure it's recommended as a cutting agent as estrogen increases water retention, so if you reduce estrogen - you'll hold less water. Then again, I'm not really versed in this product other than what I've read. I'm sure a rep can pipe in on this as they should have a better understanding than I would.
Thanks for the replies halfwit always giving me advice on here. I think I'm gonna just wait a few more days and see how it goes. I usually have a really high sex drive so I'm not use to this. I feel a slight improvement everyday which seems a bit odd because I just started having this problem about 4 days ago. If it continues I guess I can try the HCGenerate and save the clomid for another time
Thanks for the replies halfwit always giving me advice on here. I think I'm gonna just wait a few more days and see how it goes. I usually have a really high sex drive so I'm not use to this. I feel a slight improvement everyday which seems a bit odd because I just started having this problem about 4 days ago. If it continues I guess I can try the HCGenerate and save the clomid for another time
Sounds like a plan to me! I hope things work out for you. :)
Update to anyone who may have read this or be curious...

Last night with my girl everything was back to normal! It was like I was on the forma all over again. Woke up this morning sporting a woody. I think my problem was I didn't taper the forma down before stopping (thinking with my dick, not my head). Anyways I believe that made me have a bit of a set back, but being young my body seems to have adjusted quickly. Forma was a great product and I have nothing but positive stuff to say about it.
def killed your e2 levels. Low estrogen is almost worse than high estrogen. You won't be able to get it up for ANYTHING.
I guess I had a quick recovery then because I was back in action hard last night and woke up to morning wood today. Guess ill just throw the HCGenerate into the helladrol cycle I plan on running in the next week, it will be my very first cycle.
I guess I had a quick recovery then because I was back in action hard last night and woke up to morning wood today. Guess ill just throw the HCGenerate into the helladrol cycle I plan on running in the next week, it will be my very first cycle.

Honestly, I would use transaderm during your cycle instead of HCGenerate. Use the HCGen in post cycle therapy (pct).

here's a post with codes for a discount on trans
