Ever heard of Winny for TRT?


New member
Haven't been here for a while. I followed your advice and consulted several MDs and I was able to get proper meds I am very concerned about my latest labs and meds prescribed. Any advice from you guys would be greatly appreciated. (Again)


My testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocal since mid April has been ;

.2cc test c 200mg EOD. =.7cc wk = 140mg/ml
250 ui HCG EOD. = 850ui wk
1 graim Westhroid daily
1 graim Phentermine daily

Dr prescribed (Recieved meds today)

1 Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml. 1.5ml/wk IM-----(Too much?)
2 HCG 1 500units/2x wk SQ -------------------------(Too much?)
3 Anastrozole 1cap/eod PO -------------------------(too much?)
4 Stanozolol 50mg 5troche/wk under tongue----------(Dangerous? check my hemo)

Fasting am 8/21/09

glucose,serum -----------------97 mg/dl -----65-99
bun----------------------------13----------- 5-26
Sodium -----------------------136 mmo1/L --- 135-145
Potassium ---------------------4.9 --------3.5-5.2
Carbon Dioxide----------------- 21----------20-32
Calcium -----------------------8.7 mg/dl---8.5-10.6
Protein ------------------------6.1 g/dl----6.0-8.5
Albumine-----------------------3.9 --------3.5-5.5
A/G ratio----------------------1.5----------1.1-2.5
Bilirubin total------------------0.6--------- 0.1-1.2

Cholesterol ------------------245-- H---- 100-199
triglycerides -----------------71 ----------0-149
HDL Chol ---------------------28 ---L------- >39

TSH --------------------------1.350 -------0.450-4.500
T4 ----------------------------5.4-------- 4.5-12.0
T3 Uptake--------------------- 32----------- 24-39
Free thyroxine index----------- 1.7 ---------1.2-4.9
Free T3----------------------- 3.3 -------2.3-4.2
Prostate 0.4 0.0-4.0

growth factor I ---------------79---- L ----81-225
Testosterone ----------------1752--- H ----241-827 -IS THIS INSANE?Should I be concerned?Free T---------------------- -28.2--- H ----7.2-24.0
LH ---------------------------<0.3--- L ----1.5-9.3
FSH------------------------- <0.3 ---L-----1.4-18.1
Sex horm binding --------------54 ---------23.0-116.3
Estradiol----------------------- 90 ---H ----0-53

I had been feeling so well that I hadn't donated any blood (high hemoglobin) since 3 months ago but did go again the day I had this test drawn.


WBC --------------------------------8.7-------------- 4.0-10.5
RBC -------------------------------5.69 -------H------- 4.1-5.6
Hemoglobin------------------------ 18.1------- H -------12.5-17.0
Hematocrit------------------------ 55.1 -------H -------36.0-50.0

MCV -------------------------------97 ------------------80-98
MCH -------------------------------31.8 ----------------27-34
MCHC ------------------------------32.8 ----------------32-36
RDW -------------------------------14 ------------------11.7-15
Platelets------------------------- 221----------------- 140-415
Neutrophils----------------------- 4.8 -----------------1.8-7.8
Lymphs---------------------------- 2.9----------------- 0.7-4.5
Monocytes -------------------------0.9 -----------------0.1-1.0

I'm thinking I should set a different protocal. The one he recommended sounds crazy to me.
Any suggestions? Should I follow his script? The numbers on the labs has me worried.
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dude - your readings are OK for test - 1752 is fine - hell Im at 3800. and your scrip looks fine. I got the same thing but didnt take winstrol - saving it for later. I took eq instead.

I would be inclined, in your case, to take the winstrol - itll help with bloating/water retention and really lean you out.

your LH and FSH are low cause you are on test. Your hemo and hematocrit are barely high and are where mine are due to testosterone. Drink more water to help it.

I wouldn't worry about it - I sent almost the same results to two doctors and an endocronologist and its either live with it or stop testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and i am NOT stopping trt.