Exclusive and unreleased vital labs natural steroid precursor stack log!


New member
Hey Guys,

New to this forum but not new to weight training, or the supplements we use to get the most out of it. I'm a senior member on Anabolic Minds (mountainman33), with plenty of rep ranking, and I'm a former head personal trainer and S & C coach at both the high school and college level. I'm going to be running this log on Steroidology first though for 2 reasons. First, this a great forum with loads of info, and a ton of knowledgable members. Second, Vital Labs isn't a board sponsor on AM, so I wouldn't be able to run this log without it getting taken down. But there loss is your gain. Vital Labs is allowing me to run their brand new natural anabolic muti-compound product to show it's effectiveness and the results it can provide for people like us. I've run a multitude of logs on AM, and will run this log the same way: with lots of detail, and plenty of feedback. I also like to keep my logs light, I can't stand when they're all serious and people get concerned about "thread jacking". I think this log will be great all around, but especially because Vital Labs is a solid supplement company that contimues to innovate and pump out awesome products. Their Epi 2a3a is just a retarded cutting compound with a huge amount of positive reviews. They also have other PHs with the same great reviews, as well on cycle and PCT products that are top notch. Also, their natural products are economical, but still top quality.

So this new natural product I'll be logging has a ton of time and resources poured into it to make sure it's beyond effective, give results that are PH like, and won't give the same sides that PHs do.

It's benefits include:

Increased Nitrogen Reception

Increased Protein Turnover

Decreased Myostatin

Increased follistatin

Improve Muscle Endurance

Improve Strength

I'm the first and only person, from what I understand, to have access to this so this is pretty exciting for me, and I feel very priveleged and lucky to be logging and brand new product not even on the market yet! I don't even know if it has a name yet! It's only going to be released exclusively through StrongSupplementShop.com, so make sure you sign up for their news letter to stay up to date on not only the release of this product, but also sales and info.

If you have any questions or input throw them my way, I'm not shy. I'm really looking forward to this, and thanks for joining along.
Test compound hasn't shown up yet, but should be today or tomorrow.

Quads and Calves

Should have been a hamstring day today, but my quads were fully recovered from my last workout, and our travelling volleyball team is going to start praticing after Jan. 1st. I want to get more stength and speed work in before hand to make sure I'm in the starting line up.

Leg Press / Single Leg Calf Raises
388 x 20 / BW x 6, 6, 6, 6
568 x 13 / BW x 6, 6, 6, 6
748 x 10 / BW x 6, 6, 6, 6
838 x 8 / BW x 6, 6, 6, 6
928 x 6 (PR for Reps!) / Switched to Seated Calf Raises here. 225 x 16
928 x 5 / 225 x 16
568 x 15 / 225 x 16

A lot of leg pressing today. Trying for max strength, but I was also fired up before I even took my PWO like stated in my previous post. Getting 928 for 6 reps was a total surprise me, and these were full ROM, knees to chest reps. I was only able to get around 900 for 3 or 4 reps in college. Now I just need to figure out how to get more weight on the sled since it only fits 9 plates per side. Definitely looking to go above 1,000 during my next strength phase.

Leg Exts. / Seated Calf Raises, 5 sec. negatives
110 x 12 / 225 x 16
110 x 12 / 225 x 16
110 x 12 / 225 x 16
110 x 12 / 225 x 16

DL to BW Squat Jumps / Donkey Calf Machine
225 x 4, BW x 3 / 130 x 15
275 x 3, BW x 3 / 130 x 15
245 x 3, BW x 3 / 130 x 15

Leg Exts. / Donkey Calf Machine / Low Cable OH Tri Exts., No Rest
95 x 10 / 110 x 12 / 30 x 12
95 x 10 / 110 x 12 / 30 x 12
95 x 10 / 110 x 12 / 30 x 12

Major pump after these sets, the no rest killed me, I was breathing heavy like a fat kids chasing an ice cream truck.

Standing BW Calf Raises, 10 sec. rests = (10)
10, (10), 10, (10), 10, (10), 10, (10), 10, (10), 10, (10),

Low Cable OH Tri Exts., 20 secs. rest = (20)
30 x 12, (20), 10, (20), 9, (20), 8, (20), 7

Calves sucked walking out to my truck, and tris sucked while I was driving home. Totally worth every second though. :wiggle:
Traps and Lats

Got my "package" today! No Brand label, but their is an ingredient profile on it, and all I can say is SWEEEEET! I cant disclose what it is, but I do know this is goig to be FUN, and no PCT required. I popped 2 caps last night as soon as I got it, and 2 this morning PWO.

Pulled into the gym parking lot today and what a beautiful sight, only 4 cars in the parking lot.

Bent 1 Arm DB Rows, Neutral Grip / Snatch Grip BB Shrugs, 2 second top squeeze
75 x 10, 10 / 135 x 10
75 x 9, 9 / 185 x 8
65 x 10,10 / 185 x 8
55 x 10, 10 / 185 x 8

45 Degree "Pendlay" Rows / Skier Pull Downs
135 x 10 / 60 x 6
135 x 10 / 60 x 6
135 x 10 / 60 x 6

Wide Grip Pull Downs, 4 sec. Negs. / 45 Degree Reverse DB Flys, 2 second top squeeze
100 x 10 / 15s x 6
100 x 10 / 15s x 6
100 x 10 / 15s x 6

The 4 second negatives were hard, they burned like when I urinate.

Rope Face Pulls / Seated Cable Underhand Rows / High Pulley Cable Crunches
30 x 8 / 120 x 8 / 50 x 10
30 x 8 / 120 x 8 / 50 x 10
30 x 8 / 120 x 8 / 50 x 10

Suitcase Rows / V Hold DB Curls
55s x 8 / 20s x 6
55s x 8 / 25s x 4
55s x 8 / 20s x 6

Standing Cable Curls / High Puley Cable Crunches to Hanging Knee Raises / Knuckles Up DB Hold
Narrow Grip 50 x 5, 45 x 3, 40 x 3 / 50 x 8, BW x 8 / 75s x 15 secs.
Medium Grip 45 x 5, 40 x 4, 35 x 3 / 50 x 8, BW x 8 / 75s x 14 secs., 10 secs
Wide Grip 45 x 4, 40 x 4, 35 x 3 / 50 x 8, BW x 8 / 75s x 12 secs., 8 secs.

MA (Mechanical Advantage) Pull Ups - UH = Underhand, NG = Neutral Grip, OH = Overhand Grip, all sets and reps with just body weight
UH x 2, NG x 2, OH x 2, NG x 2, UH x 1, UH x 10 sec. hold
UH x 2, NG x 2, OH x 2, NG x 1, UH x 1, UH x 9 sec. hold
UH x 2, NG x 2, OH x 1, NG x 1, UH x 1, UH x 8 sec. hold
Is it a test booster? If its not a PH then it must be a test booster. Just wondering, always like to try new things. Im also new to this forum
Had the kids this weekend so I wasn't able to get to the gym until this morning.

Hams and Calves

SLDLs / Single Leg Raises to 2 leg raises, 1 min. rest
135 x 15 / BW x 8, 8, 5, 5 - BW x 10
185 x 10 / BW x 8, 8, 5, 5 - BW x 10
225 x 8 / BW x 7, 7, 5, 5 - BW x 10
225 x 8 / BW x 7, 7, 5, 5 - BW x 8
135 x 12 / BW x 7, 7, 5, 5 - BW x 8

Seated Leg Curls / Seated Smith Raises, 30 secs. rest
110 x 12 / 225 x 18
110 x 11 / 245 x 15
90 x 12 / 245 x 15
90 x 11 / 245 x 13

Leg Press, High Feet / Leg Press Raises to Standing BW Raises, 1 min. rest
388 x 15 / 388 x 10, BW x 10
388 x 15 / 388 x 8, BW x 10
388 x 15 / 388 x 7, BW x 9

DB SLDLs / Donkey Machine Raises, 45 secs. rest
75s x 12 / 110 x 18
75s x 12 / 110 x 16

Seated Leg Curls / Donkey Machine Raises, No Rest
90 x 10 / 150 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5, 120 x 5
90 x 10 / 150 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5, 120 x 5
90 x 10 / 150 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5, 120 x 5
Rest 2 mins.
90 x 10 / 150 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5, 120 x 5
90 x 10 / 150 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5, 120 x 5
90 x 10 / 150 x 5, 140 x 5, 130 x 5, 120 x 5

Nothing to report yet, as usual when it's only been 4 days. Although I seemed to be able to just go and go today.
Is it a test booster? If its not a PH then it must be a test booster. Just wondering, always like to try new things. Im also new to this forum

Not a test booster. More of an adaptogen. I'm looking forward to next week and the week after when should really start kicking in.
So I'm an idiot. Forgot to list starting stats.

6' 1"
199 lbs. current weight
~13% BF (just a visual estimate)
36 yrs. old

Bench 1RM = 285
Squat 3RM = 315
DL 1RM = 425
OHP 1RM = 155 (never had strong shoulders)

Training style is rotating 30 day Strength/Hypertrophy Phases. Almost PHAT style, but with longer durations. 30 days strength training, 30 days hyper training. December is a hypertrophy month, so most reps will be higher, but closer to the end of the month I'll be transitioning to strength to be able to gauge inceases provided by this compound.

I also take fish oil, creatine, multivite twice a day, and STIMUL8 with Wyked 2.0 for PWO.

I follow a carb cycling diet, and usually hit 200 - 250 grams protein/day.
Chest and Delts

Seated DB OHP / Flat Bench DB Flys, 1 min. 15 secs. rest
40s x 12 / 20s x 12
50s x 10 / 25s x 10
55s x 8 / 30s x 8
60s x 6 / 30s x 7

Slight Incline DB Press / Standing DB Lateral Raises, w/ 2 sec. top hold, 45 secs rest
55s x 10 / 15s x 8
60s x 8 / 15s x 7
65s x 7 / 20s x 4, 15s x 3

High Pulley Cable Flys, 2 sec. squeeze / Smith Seated OHP, 4 sec. negs., 1 min. rest
20s x 10 / 95 x 6
20s x 10 / 95 x 5
25s x 8 / 85 x 8
20s x 9 / 85 x 7

As usual those slow negatives burn like a mofo.

Flat BP / Low Cable Laterals, alternating, 45 secs. rest
135 x 12 / 15 x 6, 6, 4, 4
135 x 11 / 15 x 5, 5, 4, 4
135 x 10 / 15 x 5, 5, 3, 3

Keeping to the shorter rest periods sucks, but the pump is crazy.

Negative Only Dips / 1 Arm Cable OHP / High Pulley Cable Crnch / Dip Hold Knee Raises, 1 min. rest
BW x 6 / 20 x 9, 9 / 50 x 12 / 10
BW x 6 / 20 x 9, 9 / 50 x 12 / 10
BW x 6 / 20 x 9, 9 / 50 x 12 / 10

During these sets there was a guy going right behind me using the steps on the dip chair to do calf raises. Really? Cuz there's NOWHERE else to do calf raises in this whole gym?

Bicycle Crunches / Push Ups / Plank / Underhand Plate Front Raises / Russian Twists, 30 secs. rest
12 / 8 / 20 secs. / 10s x 8 / 10 x 12
12 / 8 / 20 secs. / 10s x 8 / 10 x 12
12 / 8 / 20 secs. / 10s x 8 / 10 x 12

Not noticing anything as far as strength increases, although this a hypertrophy phase, but my volume and endurance have gone up.
Slept like @ss last night. But I still managed to muster some energy and get the ball rolling.

Quads and Calves

Squats / Standing Smith Raises
135 x 12 / 135 x 20
185 x 8 / 185 x 15
225 x 6 / 225 x 10
315 x 4 (Rep PR) / 315 x 6, BW x 10
335 x 2 (Weight and Rep PR) / BW x 25
355 x 1 (Weight PR!) / BW x 25
315 x 3 / 315 x 7, BW x 8
225 x 10 / 225 x 15

Not sure what happened, and maybe it's in my head, but is it possible this stuff I'm testing is working already? I got 315 for a weight PR about a month ago, then got 315 for 3 reps for a rep PR about 2 weeks ago. Getting 335, AND FOR REPS, then getting 355 (for what I would consider a full ROM to parallel rep, but not sure a PL judge would give me the rep) felt amazing. I got another regular to spot me on the 355, and I started kicking myself for going for the gusto, but like this thread says, I want to do some smashing. 315 felt easy after, and 225 was a piece of cake. Time to start testing some other lifts.

Leg Exts. / Seated Smith Raises
130 x 10 / 225 x 20
150 x 10 / 285 x 15
150 x 10 / 285 x 14

Leg Press / Leg Press Calf Raise to standing Raises
478 x 10 / 478 x 8, BW x 10
658 x 8 / 658 x 4, BW x 10
838 x 6, 748 x 4 / 748 x 3, BW x 12
478 x 15 / 478 x 6, BW x 10

Front Squats / DB Standing Raises
135 x 10 / 55 x 16
155 x 8 / 55 x 16
155 x 8 / 55 x 16
Back Squats 135 x 12 / Standing Raises 135 x 20

Was breathing pretty hard on after each set, but they felt really good.

Leg Exts. / Donkey Calf Machine, No rest
130 x 10 / 150 x 12
130 x 8 / 150 x 10
Rest 45 secs.
110 x 10 / 130 x 12
110 x 8 / 130 x 10

This workout just kept going and going, and I was super late to work, but totally worth it. Going and down stairs at home while I was getting ready for work sucked, but I knew I got a kick @ss workout in today. Now just to eat my weight on protein.
Lats and Traps

Neutral Grip Pull Ups / 45 Degree Reverse DB Flys, 45 secs. rest
BW x 10 / 10s x 12
BW x 8 / 15s x 8
BW x 7 / 15s x 8
BW x 6, BW x 2 / 20s x 5, 15s x 4

Bentover Overhand Rows / Skier Pulldowns, 30 secs. rest
185 x 6 / 50 x 5
185 x 5 / 50 x 5
165 x 6 / 50 x 5

Bentover DB Rows / Static Reverse Flys
75 x 6, 6 / 15s x 25 secs.
75 x 6, 6 / 15s x 22 secs.
70 x 6, 6 / 15s x 19 secs.

Wide Overhand Cable Rows to Underhand Cable Rows / Dip Hold Knee Raises
120 x 6, 120 x 5 / 10
120 x 6, 120 x 5 / 10
120 x 6, 120 x 5 / 10

Wide Grip Pull Downs, 4 sec. negs. / Suitcase Rows / Toe to Bar Leg Raises
140 x 6 / 55s x 6 / 6
140 x 6 / 55s x 6 / 6
140 x 6 / 55s x 6 / 6

Ran out of time due to having to go back home half way to the gym since I forgot my sneakers. Still felt pretty good, like I got enough work in. I could have done more though. My arms were pretty pumped and forearms were road mappy. My abs were showing pretty well in the mirror too while I was shaving.