Exclusive and unreleased vital labs natural steroid precursor stack log!

what is the ingredient profile?

I wish I could tell you but I have a confidentiality agreen I have to follow. But once it comes out I'm fairly certain people will want to snap this up. It is all natty though, no PCT required, and you can even take it year round if you want. No need to cycle this.
So I know I said I wasn't going to lift today, but after reading Thibadeau's article yesterday I was inspired to do some arm work after working my back yesterday. I do have to admit that I felt a little like a douche doing my first strictly arm day in over 8 years. I threw in delts to try and break it up and me feel less douchey. Plus I want to take as much advantage of the potential synthesis from this stuff as I can.

Standing Cable Curls, Wide grip / Seated DB OHP, 45 secs. rest
35 x 15 / 40s x 12
35 x 15 / 40s x 12
40 x 12 / 45s x 10, 40s x 3

Standing Cable Upright Rows / High Pulley Tri Exts., 45 secs. rest
65 x 12 / 50 x 12
70 x 12 / 60 x 12
70 x 10, 60 x 3 / 60 x 10, 50 x 4

Seated Cable Precher Curls / Seated BB OHP, 30 secs. rest
45 x 12 / 65 x 12
45 x 11 / 75 x 8, 65 x 4
45 x 10, 35 x 3 / 65 x 10

Everything from my neck down was pumped beyond belief. I haven't had an arm pump like this in a VERY long time. I may actually start doing an arm day once a month, maybe even a little more often.

Rope Cable Hammer Curls / Low Pulley OH Rope Tri Exts. / DB Laterals, 30 secs rest
60 x 12 / 60 x 12 / 15s x 12
60 x 12 / 60 x 12 / 15s x 12
60 x 12 / 60 x 12 / 15s x 12

Seated Incline DB Curls / Seated Incline OH DB Tri Exts. / Face Pulls, 1 min. rest
20s x 12 / 20s x 12 / 50 x 12
20s x 12 / 20s x 12 / 50 x 12
20s x 12 / 20s x 12 / 50 x 12

Upright DB Rows to DB OHP, 1 min. rest
40s x 8 - 40s x 8
45s x 7 - 45s x 7
50s x 6 - 50s x 6

Seated DB Hold, Knuckles Up to Static DB Wrist Curl, 45 secs. rest
75s x KU = 15 secs, WC = 20 secs.
75s x KU = 13 secs, WC = 18 secs.
75s x KU = 11 secs, WC = 16 secs.

Oddly enough when all was said and done I felt pretty good about my workout. Holding the steering wheel on my way home kind of sucked, but I liked the tired feeling, it has been a while since I've had that.
Started out warming up a ton on the bike, my hip was feeling kind of stiff, but after a bit of LIGHT stretching and some mobility work everything seemed ok.

DLs / Single Leg Calf Raises
135 x 6 / BW x 8,8,8,8
225 x 6 / BW x 8,8,8,8
315 x 5 / BW x 8,8,8,8
365 x 3 / BW x 8,8,8,8
405 x 3 / BW x 8,8,8,8
415 x 2 / BW x 8,8,8,8
435 x 1 / BW x 8,8,8,8 (Weight PR)
315 x 3 / BW x 8,8,8,8
225 x 5 / BW x 8,8,8,8

Felt good getting back to deadlifts. It had a long time since I deadlifted. The 435 wasn't exactly easy, but I almost felt like I could have had another 10 or 20 lbs. on the bar. I did start to lose my grip a little at the top hold though. Need to add more grip work into my training again.

Leg Press, High Foot Placement / Leg Press Calf Raises to Standing Raises
568 x 8 / 586 x 6, BW x 12
658 x 8 / 658 x 4, BW x 12
748 x 8 / BW x 20
838 x 8 / BW x 20

DB SLDLs / Seated Smith Raises
75s x 10 / 275 x 15
75s x 10 / 275 x 15
75s x 10 / 275 x 15

Front Squats to Depth Jumps / DB Standing Calf Raises
135 x 3, BW x 3 / 45 x 12
185 x 3, BW x 3 / 45 x 12
185 x 3, BW x 3 / 45 x 12

I wanted to keep going but the gym was getting too crowded. It was getting harder to find free equipment. I was feeling super strong the whole way through though. Even on the Depth jumps I was still getting super high, or at least I felt like I was.
Sorry for not updating lately, the holidays with kids and family have been crazy!

I've gotten some workouts in to try and stave off the holiday food calories. Strength continues to go up. I haven't done any bench pressing for strength, jut as a finisher for hypertrophy. But yesterday I tested out the weight and my previous 1RM was 285, managed to get 300 for a good solid paused rep. For not having benched for strength in weeks that's a pretty good jump. Today I got 240 for 7 reps on wide grip pull downs which is a new rep PR. Previous rep PR was 5 reps with good form and control.

And I got the name of the product: Anafuse by Vital Labs.