exercise for lower bicep


non conformist
I have a problem building my biceps.My bicep muscle knots up against my shoulder Ive tried everything from preacher curls to close grip dumbell curls .
Unfortunately you cant change the shape of your bicep, if you're lacking in the lower area just make them bigger, it'll fill in. I used to have a huge gap between by bi and my elbow, but now that they've gotten pretty big you cant see it any more
Needsize I understand it is genetic thing, but I cannot build my bis big enough to rid this problem.Any help would be appreciated bro.
Just stick with the classic mass builders, standing barbell curls, incline dumbell curls, and preachers and it will fill in trust me
70w30 said:
Needsize I understand it is genetic thing, but I cannot build my bis big enough to rid this problem.Any help would be appreciated bro.

Here is something that is working for my triceps, it might work for your biceps...

Get a band... like.. .those training bands... any kind will work. Everyday do about 3 sets of 25-30 reps (until it burns) per arm... hook the band under your foot and just curl up... you'll get that pump each day... and it won't be KILLING your bicep.

Also, for my tris, I'm doing them 2x a week now... once HEAVY after a chest workout and once light after a shoulder workout... I find that it is helping them grow, at least for a little while... that and the combind band motion...

I could be something to try with your biceps... as I have a very similar problem with my triceps.

Biceps are by thier nature a small muscle, so its going to take time to make them big. Work on everything else, and eventually they will get there.

You will occasionally see very huge guys with crappy biceps genetics, there was a norweigan guy who I think still does strong man competitions who is an ex bodybuilder, and he is the same way, just genetics.