Experience needed and much appreciated


New member
5ft 9
12-13% bf

Bench: 235-8
Squat: 315-8

I've put on nearly 40lbs of mass in the past 2 and a half years, 60 in the past 3. My life is consumed with strict/clean diets, hours in the gym each day and a wide range of supplements. I've come to the conclusion that I will compete in the upcoming local bodybuilding show. I am destined to compete in the 170s.

Bulk cycle: Week 1-12 500mg test (250 2x)
Week 1-4 dbol 20mg
PCT- Tomoxifen 40/40/20/20/10
Liver support- Milk thistle

I also have a show cycle which I have not 100% figure out yet
I have done countless hours of research, eat properly and train as hardest as possible
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I say you are too young bro...
I.know you probably won't listen so best of luck...
Also throw out the.milk thistle...it's a waste of time...wrong liver support bro
Your pct is also incorrect. You have more countlless hours to read bro
I do agree with your opinion but how compete against guys that aren't natural? Its IMPOSSIBLE unless you got a jackass that doesn't lift and takes gear. What would you suggest as a pct? Clomid?
Just read the sticky regarding proper pct protocol and the sticky about 1st time cycles...
And yes blood work is a necessity before during and after cycle.
I say you are too young bro...
I.know you probably won't listen so best of luck...
Also throw out the.milk thistle...it's a waste of time...wrong liver support bro
Your pct is also incorrect. You have more countlless hours to read bro

I do agree with your opinion but how compete against guys that aren't natural? Its IMPOSSIBLE unless you got a jackass that doesn't lift and takes gear. What would you suggest as a post cycle therapy (pct)? Clomid?
I don't think you should use...but.the stickys are there to read...I will not give you direct advice but I will direct you to the stickys...read ALL OF THEM...
You could compete in natural shows until you are of age bro.
Best of luck at your upcoming show or shows...
Bro another compound is recommend to take with it.
Also where's your on cycle anti estrogen? Want bitch tits? Every cycle needs and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ...This is y I think you need to do more research...
And this is coming from someone who is almost 21 and is natty...I think you need to wait. But I applaud you for not being a disrespectful shit like most that we tell they are too young lol.
I did kind of want a first hand experience for someone who cycles. All of my friends are testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Same thing I know) and they are in the early 20s. Natural bodybuilding is also another way of saying only cycle in offseason though, well the pro "natural" athletes at least.
First hand users will tell you the same thing bro...
Just read through all these posts where 20 yr olds ask about cycling...I've even asked about it a few months ago...weather I cycle or not does not change the fact you have lots more to learn bro...
Best of luck to you