Expire date for Finaplix??


Getting ripped
Ho Ho!!

It's soon christmas....=)

My question= I'm gonna buy finaplix. But the thing is I live in Scandinavia and as I've understood it it finaplix must be stored at refrigiator temperature. Am I not right? That will cost be a fuckin fortune to have them send the cartridges in ice to Scandinavia. Wonder if it will be cheaper buying it from an UG lab...

Anyway. that's not the real important question!
How long can I store finaplix? I'm not planning on making tren until a couple of months.
Will this be a problem?.....i'ts worthless buying it now if I only can store them for a couple of weeks.

Anyone know waht the average expire date is for finaplix??

Thanks guys!!

Don't know what I would do with out you! :69:

no need for the fridge, no need to worry bout it expiring. Thats your pharmeceutical pals making sure you buy new meds and spend uneccesary cash.
DougoeFre5h said:
no need for the fridge, no need to worry bout it expiring. Thats your pharmeceutical pals making sure you buy new meds and spend uneccesary cash.

For the most part. Aren't there some sulfur based meds that turn into deadly poison after the expiration date? Or is that an urban legend? Anyhoo, I've eaten "expired" percs and lortabs and lived through it. Had a good time actually.