Exploded arm muscle by anabolica abuse

Il a utilisé du Synthol syntheroil en fait.

mais ceci n'est pas vraiment un anabolisant, puisque la substance ( originalement faite par Solvay) produit surtout une accumulation de lipo-proteine, et de graisse.

ce genre de chose n'arrive pas avec nos habituel steroid.
See what happens when people go and mess with Synthol. That stuff is absurd and makes you look like an idiot, not to mention what happened in the video posted above, I mean come on.
See what happens when people go and mess with Synthol. That stuff is absurd and makes you look like an idiot, not to mention what happened in the video posted above, I mean come on.

That's an over generalization. Most pro BBers use Synthol as a part of their drug regime. Misuse of the compound along with massive steroid abuse and cosmetic surgery (implants) are the culprit in this case.
this dickhead gives synthol a bad name! when competing synthol is necessary these days and done correctly it really adds to a physique, although when idiots like this pump there arm full to the brim with the stuff thats another matter you will be hard pressed to find a pro that doesn't use it now but i have no problem with that, would i even use it? probably not but not because this may happen lol