Extending cycle from 12 weeks to 26 weeks with HCG


New member
Hey what's up fella's!

This is my first post ever on these boards and I'd like to say first off how much I appreciate everyone's input on these forums! I've gained a sh*t ton of knowledge reading various posts for a few years now and respect how tight of a community this is and how you guys respect one another and sometimes defend in those "stupid question" scenarios where people get flamed on. I went from knowing almost nothing of how the human body works to being what I think an fairly knowledgeable person when it comes to AAS. But we'll see if that proves true after my question here. I've read a ton of articles and I can't quite get the answer that pertains to me the most on here. And also I know these compounds and the knowledge on how to use them safely has progressed drastically since some of the older posts on here so I wanted the input of the latest and greatest from you guys if you don't mind.

36 years old
6'0" - 176lbs. NO idea what my BF% is.
Training on and off for about 6 years

First off I know that my stats aren't what it should be for someone of my height and to be honest I'm really proud of my current weight at 176lbs. I'm a really hard gainer and also I'm asian...we tend to be hard gainers but I have to admit that my diet over the past few years has not been what it needs to be so that explains that. I eat a ton of food probably between 4000-5000 calories per day. Some of you might not relate but being super skinny sucks ass! Since starting my cycle I've been on point with my diet and workout regimen and sadly to say but being on a cycle motivates me like crazy to be on point with my diet and workout routine. I needed to get that out of the way so I can avoid the "lectures" about my diet and how I should have built up naturally first before starting this. Getting 'big' and not skinny is something that I wanted real badly and so here I am...

This is my second cycle and I'm currently on my 12th week. I originally started off at 152lbs and am now 176lbs and feeling f*cking awesome! I know 152lbs for someone who did a cycle is really bad but the first cycle I got half way through before I had personal issues that made me come off abruptly and depression caused me to plummet to 140lbs!!! I naturally gained to my base line of 152lbs before this second cycle I'm currently on. I know for most of you this is pathetic as you might have been even heavier than that even before you started and I realize that I needed a cycle just to be what 'normal' is to everyone else...but I'm really happy and my life has changed DRASTICALLY! I focus heavily on my diet and I'm in the gym hitting it hard 4-5 times a week. So my question is...

I'm currently on my 12th week. My original cycle plan was to do 12 weeks and wait another 12-16 weeks before I started a cycle again. I wanted to cycle off during winter and then get back on in March in time for the summer but now I'm seriously considering extending my cycle and needed your input on it. Here is my original cycle and where I'm currently at on my 12th week...

Week 1-4 - 40mg DBol ED
Week 1-8 - 250mg Sustanon (2x a week=500mg Total)
Week 8-12 - 325mg Sustanon (2x a week=750mg Total)
Clomid whenever evidence of gyno (which I've been experiencing in only right nipple)
PCT - Clomid and Nolvadex (dosage has not been decided on yet)

I started to take 250IU twice a week every 5 days at week 8 as I was planning on running this until my PCT to help get me jump started quicker.

NOW...this is what I want to do. I want to extend my 12 week cycle to 26 weeks. I wanted to throw in 400mg Deca per week (800mg for the first week to front load) starting this week which is taken 2x a week for 12 weeks and then be on Sustanon 750mg a week for the last 2 weeks with increased doses of HCG a week leading into my PCT. My PCT will include Clomid and Nolvadex. So my final cycle will look like this...

Week 1-4 - 40mg DBol ED
Week 1-8 - 250mg Sustanon (2x a week=500mg Total)
Week 8-12 - 325mg Sustanon (2x a week=750mg Total)
***Considering adding in DBol 25mg-30mg ED for 10 days to bridge to Deca. I didn't research this much. I just added it in now since I have a few left from the beginning of this cycle***
Week 12-24 - 400mg Deca (2x a week=400mg Total)
Week 12-26 - 750mg Sustanon (2x a week=750mg Total)
Week 8-26 - 500IU's HCG (2x every 5 days of 250IU's each)
I also just got Letro on hand yesterday and researching on what dosage and frequency to throw in to extend my cycle. I'm thinking .5mg per week
Week 28 - Start PCT

I know that cycles this long is not recommended and recovery will be harder but I've read and friends have told me that with the HCG being added that it will keep my boys alive and make recovery and extended cycles a little bit safer. Please give me your input on what you think of this. Also any help on my PCT doses would be appreciated. I've read several different recommendations and since I have a lot on hand already I figured I'd start finalizing it closer to the time I'd start it.

Thanks guys!!!
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I personally wouldn't do it. The reason I wouldn't is because the PCT will be more difficult, and you might not even be able to recover after a full 6 months of being on cycle. Also as you can clearly tell, the stuff is psychologically addicting. I admit it was for me too. 12 weeks is a good long cycle, (nearly 3 full months) and I think it is more than enough to do 1-2 12 week cycles per year. Let your body recover, and keep training hard and eating right and you will lose very little of those hard earned gains.

We are doing this for the long haul, there is no need to be inpatient. At 36 you still have years of good hard lifting and growing left in you, there is no need to try and build 20 years of muscle on a single cycle. Good luck.
Hey, jpak, great job with the gains! You seem pretty amped with how things have turned out thus far. I would definitely say see how you recover before pushing the envelope too much as tempting as that is..
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Thanks guys! I figured that was the smartest thing to do and I was just trying to get some justification from someone to convince me to extend it. I heard that the HCG allowed extended cycles. A friend told me he had been on cycle for 2 years and recovered ok with HCG but I read nothing like that online and thought it was crazy! I'll end my cycle this week and start my PCT and save all that gear I have for my next rodeo! I've really enjoyed this ride though...I've never felt this great in my life! I'll focus on keeping the gains and look forward to the next one next year...probably in 4 months from now just in time for summer.
I would say, stop at 12 then save the last half for another cycle. Also with your height and weight i would try to get with someone to take a look and evaluate at your workout routine if your calorie intake is indeed 4000+ calories(assuming theyre good calories). I believe there is no such thing as a hard gainer as gaining muscle is hard for almost everyone. I am also Asian and im 5'11". I use to weigh 148lbs 5 and a half years ago so i know how hard it is to gain weight but 2 years into working out and stuffing my face i felt like i was getting anywhere even though i was about 165lbs then I got serious and did some reading and incorporated the right foods with the right workouts and i got up to 200lbs after just a year and a half of seriously training natty. Then after my first bulking cycle i got up to 227lbs but mostly water and fat but i was strong as fuck. Good luck with your cycle brother, just remember that when you get off you'll be losing a lot of water especially after a deca cycle.
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