EXTREMELY bad muscle cramps


New member
After a good workout, starting a couple hrs after, and lasting the rest of the night, I get extremely bad muscle cramps. as an example, today i hit chest, and tonight, just by raising my right arm straight out in front of me, and then moving it across my body to the left, my right pec locks up. hard. and then i gotta stretch out that muscle asap to release it.

almost every single muscle i train on a regular basis does this. i've been imobile the night after hitting legs. literally. i've gotten home and walked in the door and a quad locks up and i fall to the ground and im stuck there for 30 min trying to relax the muscle, eating a banana and slamming water. sometimes taking ibuprofen.

i've noticed that when i do put gatorlytes (its basically just a salt packet, sold by gatorade) into my post workout shake, my cramps are much less, but if i were to flex the muscle, still happen. so I know its cause i deplete my electrolytes severely when I lift. but i still get the cramping even tho I replace them, so it must be something else also that is causing the cramping. I drink a ton of water on a daily basis. probably atleast 2 gallons a day because i drink 1/2-3/4 gallon of water just during my workout.

i plan to go to the doctor by the end of the week to see what they say, but i wanted to see if any of u guys had an idea?

and im especially worried since ill be doing a bbing show soon, i'll be super low bf, and no water, so whats going to prevent me from cramping on stage? its fucked up lol.
i get that shit as well I take the chewable magnesium before my work out and throw a banana in my post workout shake works like a charm for me..... what supps are you on things like clen eca or fat burners cause crazy cramps so up your water by 1/2 of what you are drinking a day as well
high amount of caffeine from preworkouts, little creatine from them, thats it right now. and i drink probably over 2 gallons every day, so im actually thinking maybe im drinking too much and my body isn't retaining any water? its just flushing it out?

i hit triceps today, and i was at a CPR class and after doing a bunch of chest compressions, my triceps locked up for a good ten minutes. it was soooo uncomfortable. i was just sitting there trying to stretch them and drink water. after my workout, i ate good, tonnnnss of sodium and some potassium. and still cramped bad.
Sounds like bad shit to deal with.
7L of water per day is plenty but you can drink 10L no problem. Just not all at once because it can kill ya :| It's called "water intoxication" so be sure to spread it out.

I don't like the combo of caffeine and lots of sodium. I don't like sodium at all. You get plenty of it from your meats and eggs. I have a very low tolerance for caffeine as well. But if it doesn't bother you then by all means take it.

It really sounds like dehydration. So you need to look at how much caffeine you are taking. More than 2,000mg ?

If this is the case I would change that up because it sounds like a nasty thing to deal with.

Instead of caffeine tabs.
Perk your own coffee and make it real strong.
Put it in the fridge over night and blend it with ice
,canned cream, protein powder, and sugar.
Make enough for 1L pre workout. Or even have it on hand during your workout.

I just discovered coconut water and they make
the claim that it helps prevent cramping (See post on outer forum)
Try that as your post workout therapy.

You can't keep going like that for sure. I think it's worth a try.
Good luck bud ;)
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have you ever had your potassium levels checked?

There are alot of variables that could be aiding in this, but not so bad that is causes severe cramping like you say. Especially since you drink so much water. High amounts of caffiene are bad anyway, so not sure why you think you need all that.

i know Taurine is supposed to help with cramping.
my caffeine shouldnt be that crazy, just the preworkouts, so im guessing 200-500mg at most? Like 3 scoops of jack3d, or a packet of noxplode-nt, or noxpump, or 3 servings of endorush.

i just went to the doctor today to get my electrolytes checked, ill get the results in a couple days. could be low potassium. or maybe im drinking too much water and its offsetting the electrolyte balance.
my caffeine shouldnt be that crazy, just the preworkouts, so im guessing 200-500mg at most? Like 3 scoops of jack3d, or a packet of noxplode-nt, or noxpump, or 3 servings of endorush.

i just went to the doctor today to get my electrolytes checked, ill get the results in a couple days. could be low potassium. or maybe im drinking too much water and its offsetting the electrolyte balance.

i would dump all that shit. no need for it. eat an apple or pear before you train and you'll get enough.

If you have to take all that shit to get motivated in the gym you need to take up knitting.
lol i like the rush. it feels like i snorted a line of crack before lifting. just got test results back, my BUN and Creatine, serum were high, 29 and 1.35

sodium, serum 141
potassium, serium 4.2
chloride, serum 103
carbon dioxide totat 28
calcium 9.5
protein 7.0
albumin 4.8
globulin 2.2


any of that mean anything?
Hey man, I have been playing beach volleyball on the various professional tours for the last 12 years and dealing with cramps is a big deal with us. One thing that I have found helps alot is drinking Pedialyte. The stuff they give children for diarrea. I am not sure how that will fit in your program, but it works wonders for me.
It's all greek to me. I may play those numbers in the lottery tho :)
I see 2 things there that kinda bother me.
Potassium & Chloride. Isn't that the recipe for poison ?
start taking taurine and potassium

I aim for 2-4g of Taurine, I have been out of potassium for a few weeks, so don't remember the dose.

Just off the top of my head taurine helps water pass through the cell walls, or some shit like that.