Fall poem


New member
yellow , orange and red
what a beautiful sight
raking the leaves
leaves flying everywhere as you jump in
you hear the laughter of joyful kids
you collect the leaves one, two, three into your scrap book
carving pumpkins
dressing up for Halloween
mounds and mounds of candy
a kid s dream
turkeys for eating on your plate
yum, yum.
candles for lighting on thanksgiving
eating apple pie what a special treat
caramel covered apples, mouths watering
kites in the air
fall plays to clap for everyone dancing to the fall festival music
tip tap, tip tap
I win ! I win !
Yay ! Yay ! Touchdown !
Going to the park
Sliding down slides
Fun, fun !

When thing s get they way they do at times, usually when your cruising along hitting on all 8 cylinders and then for who know s what or why, you lose 1, then 2, then 3 cylinders and you have to slow down and pull over. Sometimes to assess, wait for diagnostics and then either fix or rebuild the whole thing....again...after having done it so many times. When your older even though your getting real good at it, it seems harder. And even though you have done it many, many times before you need a motivator, something bigger than yourself.
An 8 yr old wrote that for fun he s my motivator.
another surgery imminent---serious
potentially a total crash and burn of thing s as I know it -very serious
facing it alone


I ll be back around
he s something else huh

was gonna teach him word of the day ( everytime we talk we do this...hypothesis---educated guess daddy)

my 8 yr old is reading the Hobbit

get s up at 545 to to trai w step dad before school for 45 m s..he jump s rump and does medicine ball step up s but...when in NYC he INSISTS on going to the hotel gym w me at 630 for 1 hour...does all kind s of movements...with sponge bob on of course....

Surgery at 0530 tomorrow morning..then I ll be here more as I ll be recuping,,,it ll be a small piece cut out but I can t do pain med s as I was a pill head...see you soon
he s something else huh

was gonna teach him word of the day ( everytime we talk we do this...hypothesis---educated guess daddy)

my 8 yr old is reading the Hobbit

get s up at 545 to to trai w step dad before school for 45 m s..he jump s rump and does medicine ball step up s but...when in NYC he INSISTS on going to the hotel gym w me at 630 for 1 hour...does all kind s of movements...with sponge bob on of course....

Surgery at 0530 tomorrow morning..then I ll be here more as I ll be recuping,,,it ll be a small piece cut out but I can t do pain med s as I was a pill head...see you soon
You're doing what a father is supposed to do; preparing your progeny for the obstacles in life. Sounds like he's going to have quite the head-start for the future. ;)

Best of luck to you come tomorrow brother. Definitely look forward to hearing from you on the other side of that recovery -- opiates or not. :)
I don't know what you are having surgery for, but I wish you a speedy recovery. Sounds like your boy is one smart and inspiring cookie. I have 2......7 and 10. Couldn't imagine life without them no matter how much of a pain in the butt they are.

Get well soon buddy.