Fasting post cycle

I think you should start the cycle after you're done with the fasting. If you begin bulking immediately following the deprivation, you could explode with size and strength. Winter's a good time for bulking anyway.
I think it is obvious this guy is gonna start before fasting so we may as well suggest things for him to keep his gains. Dadawg is absolutley correct bro, I would run test at low dosage for the remainder of your fast, and I would eat like pig after sundown. That is the only hope you have at keeping your gains, creatine and glutamine may help but minimally at best
jynx ,

I personally wouldn't see you losing much of your gains. That is if you eat right.

Since its Ramadan you can't eat till after sun down , which you said is around 6:00. So if you eat a meal every 2 hours with your last feeding at 12 you would get 4 meals in. You could also set your alarm to go off in the middle of the night so you can wake up and chug a protein shake (this would make 5 feedings).If you choose to do this "middle of the night "protein shake set your alarm to go off 3 hours after you go to sleep or 6 hours becasue this will coordinate with your natural sleep patterns and wont affect your sleep as much.

Then set your alarm again to go off before sunrise to eat another meal. I used to have a friend who during Ramadan would hit up the "all you can eat buffet" every morning before sunrise.

Good luck,
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