Fat Burners


New member
I'm thinking about buying a everyday fat burner. I'm kinda stuck between MT Thermoshred and Lipo 6. Any advice? I've read a buch about both and they both look alright.

volksball said:
I'm thinking about buying a everyday fat burner. I'm kinda stuck between MT Thermoshred and Lipo 6. Any advice? I've read a buch about both and they both look alright.


Haven't tried/heard of those, but my experience with usual fatburners is that they don't do much actually IMO. It lies in the diet of course, but if I were to advice you on a fatburning product, I'd say you'd go for Thermorexin www.anabolicfitness.com or other products on that site, like YES/Trex combo. Only heard great stuff about it, and I've tried the Thermorexin(Trex) myself with great success. Anyways, GL :wiggle:
You should try Thermorexin or Cardiobreeze.. stacked with Sesapure/Glucorell/Levorex.. a lot of guys on here have tried it and loved it.. and it's from teh AF Store, so you can't go wrong.
Only fat burner that is OTC and I would ever use again ECA. Cheap and effective.
All others are pricey and not as good. I drop the asprin though so just EC for me.
Should add that I actually often run EC instead of clen/T3. I get such an energy rush from ephedrine and appetite supression that for me it can be more effective then illegal compounds.

You can buy it everywhere it costs about 10 bucks a bottle and works....hard to go wrong IMO.