Hey folks been out of the gym for over a year due to an out of control work life and have gotten myself upto around 200lbs, probably 30% BF, AND complete loss of all the strength I once had. I have placed an order for all of the stuff I'll need for the following- this is the cycle I'm about to run in order to kick start my triumphant return to the gym.
Test e 200mg every 3 days
Tren ace 80mg every 3 days
Sibutramine (to curb appetite) 20mg daily throughout
T3 beginning on 20 mcg working up to a comfortable dose
Clenbuterol titrate to around 120 and do 2 on 2 off throughout.
This is a 12 wk course with tamoxifen taken at 20mg daily throughout, and will continue with that for 6 wks after the course. Also hcg 2 wks after last pin.
Not my first cycle, just let myself go and want to hit the ground running... I am wondering if any of you see anything there that flashes any alarm bells, usually I'd run sus, tren and naps for 12-14 wks as a cycle but this time I need to cover fat loss as much as poss. I have an extensive cardio plan and will be sticking to a restrictive diet however I will ensure I get the right amount of protein and the test should prevent catabolicism. Any advice? Criticism? Thoughts? Please share.
Test e 200mg every 3 days
Tren ace 80mg every 3 days
Sibutramine (to curb appetite) 20mg daily throughout
T3 beginning on 20 mcg working up to a comfortable dose
Clenbuterol titrate to around 120 and do 2 on 2 off throughout.
This is a 12 wk course with tamoxifen taken at 20mg daily throughout, and will continue with that for 6 wks after the course. Also hcg 2 wks after last pin.
Not my first cycle, just let myself go and want to hit the ground running... I am wondering if any of you see anything there that flashes any alarm bells, usually I'd run sus, tren and naps for 12-14 wks as a cycle but this time I need to cover fat loss as much as poss. I have an extensive cardio plan and will be sticking to a restrictive diet however I will ensure I get the right amount of protein and the test should prevent catabolicism. Any advice? Criticism? Thoughts? Please share.