Fat Kid Turned Lean - Need Some Advice Before Starting ANYTHING - Thanks

This would be a good cycle for him to loose a ton of weight on!!!

Yeah I dont need to lose a TON of weight. My goal is not to be a GAP Model with a 29inch waste (no offense to any GAP Models on here). I am a pretty big guy I bench 315 for reps, squat 275 (bad knees) so the target goal weight at Minimum would probably be 185-190. But even then i feel like i would look like a disproportionate ape. So a TON of weight loss is not really the goal. More so hardening what is left and shedding as much BF% as possible for visual appeal.
Fist iff co.grats on the weight loss and like atated a breath if fresh air some one wanting to k ow before jumping in.

Again like stated test only first cycle. It will help u measure how you react to test the ammounts and over all feeling body amd mind.

Am on your same boat I had low test so right now am displacing fat with muscle. Nit that I was big but bf% was upwards of 38% and I am also having ussues with belly fat. Am down to 23% but thats 2 mo ths of hard gittimg volume training and carsio but the fat that we are trying to get rid off is that nasty yellow shit that doesnt want to go away.
Good luck keep it up and hope to see some pics after ur cycle.
Fist iff co.grats on the weight loss and like atated a breath if fresh air some one wanting to k ow before jumping in.

Again like stated test only first cycle. It will help u measure how you react to test the ammounts and over all feeling body amd mind.

Am on your same boat I had low test so right now am displacing fat with muscle. Nit that I was big but bf% was upwards of 38% and I am also having ussues with belly fat. Am down to 23% but thats 2 mo ths of hard gittimg volume training and carsio but the fat that we are trying to get rid off is that nasty yellow shit that doesnt want to go away.
Good luck keep it up and hope to see some pics after ur cycle.

Thank you brotha, I appreciate the insite and response!
Congrats on the accomplishments! The guys here now there shit that's for sure. I have just start an 8 week diet plan of 3j's and I would highly incourage it. He really now his stuff and is quick to Answer and help with the diet side off things. I just thought I had my diet in check. He brought it to a whole new level! Anyways good luck and one more thing I haven't seen the guys give a whole lot of of adda boys to the new guys on here so tAke that as a real compliment .
didnt read through every response, but I can relate to your situation.
My highest weight was about 300lbs. I'm 6'0 just so you know.
I dieted down, and trianed natty all the way to 5% BF.

So my advice is to learn to calculate everything and start playing with cals.
I had a point where I was stuck for a long time. I was lucky to lost 1pound a month.
I eventually started eating more. Increased calories slowly each week untill I noticed weight gain of .5lbs.
I did that for a couple weeks gaining a little bit. At this point I started cutting back calories again.
I had found i wasnt eating enough to lose weight and once I got back up I started to lose again.
oh and heres a spread sheet I use to calulate things.
You can edit foods on the left to fit what it is you eat.
Congrats on the accomplishments! The guys here now there shit that's for sure. I have just start an 8 week diet plan of 3j's and I would highly incourage it. He really now his stuff and is quick to Answer and help with the diet side off things. I just thought I had my diet in check. He brought it to a whole new level! Anyways good luck and one more thing I haven't seen the guys give a whole lot of of adda boys to the new guys on here so tAke that as a real compliment .

Thank you, i dont take any help/advice/compliment lightly i do appreciate all the "congrats" whole heartedly. I will definitely get on the board and get 3j's advice
didnt read through every response, but I can relate to your situation.
My highest weight was about 300lbs. I'm 6'0 just so you know.
I dieted down, and trianed natty all the way to 5% BF.

So my advice is to learn to calculate everything and start playing with cals.
I had a point where I was stuck for a long time. I was lucky to lost 1pound a month.
I eventually started eating more. Increased calories slowly each week untill I noticed weight gain of .5lbs.
I did that for a couple weeks gaining a little bit. At this point I started cutting back calories again.
I had found i wasnt eating enough to lose weight and once I got back up I started to lose again.

That very well may be my case. I do tend to under eat a lot of the time plus doing cardio everyday a minimum of 40mins and lifting 4-5 times a week I KNOW i should be eating more. But sometimes being that stubborn bull headed pain in the ass you know you are shuts the educated one up. Its refreshing to hear a success story without any supps thats for sure. I appreciate you time and thanks for the Link below i will definitely look into it. Thank you brotha.
oh and heres a spread sheet I use to calulate things.
You can edit foods on the left to fit what it is you eat.

holy shit bro, i make things like this daily i have no idea why i havent created something like this before. VERY MUCH appreciated!
holy shit bro, i make things like this daily i have no idea why i havent created something like this before. VERY MUCH appreciated!

no problem. I use thing year after year now.
Its perfect for me and I dont have to log into a website to do anything which I like
Hey guys, so I ahve been doing some more research and taking in advice. I am not jumping into anything as of yet still doing some investigating as well as getting diet on track as much as possible and seeing how much BF% i can cut sticking to natural working out and heavy amounts of cardio but i was curious as to what you guys thought about this for my first cycle any critiques?

Test Prop - 150mg eod - 8 weeks (I have read people only doing 100-125mg as well, opinions?)
Arimidex - .5mg eod with test - 8 weeks (or should this be run ed?)
*Winni - 50mg oral ed - week 4-8 (I know everyone has advised against this so far due to it being first cycle and harshness on joints but i thought just running it at end of cycle might be worth it? but this is something that seems like it is going to be left out for my first cycle considering all the critiques from previous comments)

PCT - 5-7 days after last injection
Clomid - 50mg ed - 4weeks
Nolva - 20/20/10/10ed - 4weeks along with Clomid

AGAIN - this is just getting opinions if/when i decide to even try a cycle as i stated above, i have done everything naturally thus far and trying to push my body to continue to do so. this cycle would be something i would start beginning of April.

Thanks for all the help and opinions.