Hi, this is my first post ever so bear with me if I forget to mention something 
I'm trying to get lean, its not working. Im feeling super distressed about it and would appreciate any advice.
I am 21,
around 145-148 pounds
23% bf
I am taking 20 mg Anavar (oxandrolone) split between a.m and p.m
50 mcg t3 split between a.m and p.m
500 mcg HGH frag before bed
I also run 50 mcg of liquid clenbuterol for two weeks at a time, I find clen doesnt really do much for me though.
I am currently in week 5 of a 14 week cycle.
I workout usually 5 times a week,
I weight train in rotation between back, legs, shoulders, arms, chest. My polar heart monitor watch thing tells me I usually burn between 500-700 calories per workout.
I do 15 mins of cardio here and there and one session for 30 mins once a week. I REALLY hate cardio. I would rather adjust my diet before I incorporate hours of my busy student life on cardio. But i'll do whatever is necessary.
Diet varies daily but follows something like this:
Meal 1:
1 cup egg whites
2 whole eggs or 1 tbsp peanut butter
Meal 2:
5 oz chicken
1 cup steamed broccoli
1 slice ezekiel bread
Meal 3:
5 oz chicken
1 cup broccoli or asparagus
Meal 4: (usually pre workout)
5 oz chicken
1/3 oatmeal with some 1% milk or unsweetened almond milk
Meal 5:
1 scoop whey
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 slice ezekiel bread
I have 1 "sanity" meal a week, usually frozen yogurt with some chocolate stuff on top or sushi dinner.
I really want my body fat to go down, Ive gained significant weight from the anavar. Im aware some of it is lean mass, some is water, but I feel like i've added fat as well. 17% is my goal.

I'm trying to get lean, its not working. Im feeling super distressed about it and would appreciate any advice.
I am 21,
around 145-148 pounds
23% bf
I am taking 20 mg Anavar (oxandrolone) split between a.m and p.m
50 mcg t3 split between a.m and p.m
500 mcg HGH frag before bed
I also run 50 mcg of liquid clenbuterol for two weeks at a time, I find clen doesnt really do much for me though.
I am currently in week 5 of a 14 week cycle.
I workout usually 5 times a week,
I weight train in rotation between back, legs, shoulders, arms, chest. My polar heart monitor watch thing tells me I usually burn between 500-700 calories per workout.
I do 15 mins of cardio here and there and one session for 30 mins once a week. I REALLY hate cardio. I would rather adjust my diet before I incorporate hours of my busy student life on cardio. But i'll do whatever is necessary.
Diet varies daily but follows something like this:
Meal 1:
1 cup egg whites
2 whole eggs or 1 tbsp peanut butter
Meal 2:
5 oz chicken
1 cup steamed broccoli
1 slice ezekiel bread
Meal 3:
5 oz chicken
1 cup broccoli or asparagus
Meal 4: (usually pre workout)
5 oz chicken
1/3 oatmeal with some 1% milk or unsweetened almond milk
Meal 5:
1 scoop whey
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 slice ezekiel bread
I have 1 "sanity" meal a week, usually frozen yogurt with some chocolate stuff on top or sushi dinner.
I really want my body fat to go down, Ive gained significant weight from the anavar. Im aware some of it is lean mass, some is water, but I feel like i've added fat as well. 17% is my goal.